
What diet pills really work without funny side effects?

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I have recently gained a little extra pounds =( I can hard button my pants! I am feeling awkward and self-conscious! I need something that will work fast with no side effects! Please help a unhappy plump girl out!!




  1. Ah yet ANOTHER silly, airheaded little girl who believes she can just sit on her fat, lazy, a*se, pop a pill and watch her excess flab simply melt away! You have GOT to be a kid - an adult would have more common-sense (at least I would hope so!).

    You know what I do if I gain fat? I look at my diet, cut down on my bad fat, net carbohydrate and calorie intake and start exercising more and - guess what?! I LOSE WEIGHT; and, best of all, THERE ARE NO SIDE EFFECTS!!! It's a 'magic' formula that works every time!

    I also drink 4-5 litres of water (flavoured with a little fruit squash) EVERY SINGLE DAY!! This helps to flush out your kidneys so that your liver can do its normal job of keeping your metabolism going and burning fat. If you don't drink enough water, then your liver has to take on some of the work of the kidneys and can't metabolise the fat as efficiently.

    The diet product industry relies on people like you who are too lazy to do any exercise and want to carry on stuffing c**p down their gullets whilst watching Big Brother and expecting some pill to lose the weight for them!

    I used to weigh nearly 3.5 times what I do now; I lost my weight through dedication, dietary restriction and a carefully designed exercise regime. You lose weight fast on some faddy crash diet, you regain it even faster - with interest.

    I know I'll probably receive an "insulting other participants" violation for this, but I really don't care! Why the feck should I lie just to tell you what you want to hear? I tell only the truth.

    This is the standard response I give to these types of questions (and you'd have known that had you bothered to search!)

    The only pounds you'll lose popping pills won't be coming off your body!

  2. None - just regular excercise and a sensible balanced diet.

  3. don't take any pills.

    there's no miracle pill. You need to work at it, just like on any other issue.

  4. You can find out thru this useful article on the right way to use diet pills:

  5. Diet pills don't really work. If you are overweight then, Alli will work =]

  6. What makes you think you need a diet pill? The best and most effective way to lose weight is admittedly a bit old-fashioned in concept: diet and exercise. A pill for this, a pill for that... nonsense. Try a livable 'diet' by counting Weight Watchers points (the web can help provide you with info, or you could join and they send you a handy booklet with everything you need to know to get started). Make fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed foods the focus of your diet. Find a nearby YMCA and work out for an hour and 15 min five days a week. I lost 44 pounds the past 4 months doing just that. Good luck!

  7. diet pills dont work, weight watchers doesnt work..just good ole fashioned dieting (5-6 meals a day, lots of water, moderate exercise)..

    its most likely water weight that you gained..

    try dropping your carb intake for the next couple of'll see a drop in a couple of "pounds"

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