
What differant kinds of geckos are there?

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i am getting a gecko that can climb,what kinds are there that are low maintanance




  1. crested gecko leopard gecko cant climb though, meteratian gecko and fat tail gecko also house gecko

  2. leopard gecko, day gecko, house gecko, crested gecko

  3. I thought you're a herpetologist in training? you should know the answer then. a herpetologist in training means you're in college at least pursuing your bachelor's degree in biology, in preparation of your masters in herpetology, which I highly doubt. you can't even spell herpetologist, that's what's funny. turns out you're a little kid who's trying to get past your parent's parental control according to one of your previous questions. pervert. quit telling lies

  4. Well theres a lot to choose form especially if you want arboreal geckos. they are pretty cool and their big eyes amaze me. A few that i have heard of and available most of the time in petstores are crested geckos, day geckos, and sometimes tokays. Day geckos are very fragile and are not very handleable so they would just be for show. theire skin can actually rip if not handled correctly. Tokays are big and aggressive and are very hard to handle and care for. best leave tokays for experienced handlers :)

    Cresties are my number one choice and really cool little critters. they are known for their crests that extend onto their heads and form eyelash like growths which are pretty awesome. a Harlem of 3(one male 2 females) can live in a vertical 20-30 gallon tank. i highly recommends them and you hould research them a  bit more as they are becoming more and more popular with reptile owners and enthusiasts alike.

    i would also check out reptiles magazines site reptile channel google it. they have tons of info and profiles for each species. they also avertise breeders and vets as well as supplies so u will find what ur looking for

    i hope this helps and good luck with ur geckos!

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