
What difference does it make if you have a masters in midwifery.....are you more in control or what???

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What difference does it make if you have a masters in midwifery.....are you more in control or what???




  1. In the UK, qualified Midwives provide ante natal care and delivery to low risk, straighforward pregnancies.  They are highly trained healthcare professionals who have studied for at least 4 years (at nursing/degree level) and gained their Midwifery qualification.  Someone with a Masters in Midwifery may be able to work as a "Consultant Midwife" which is closer to a Dr than a normal Midwife - they could make decisions about patients' care, although would obviously not be allowed to prescribe drugs, perform surgery etc etc.

    Anyone high risk or with a problematic pregnancy receives their care from a Dr (Obstetrician),

    Have no idea about the US as from what I've read on here, most American women pay to have all their pregnancy care from a doctor and midwives are looked down upon somewhat.

  2. It helps you rediscover what you lose prior and post registration!

  3. A masters in midwifery build on the knowledge base that you have as a midwife. The difference in having one or not means more knowledge in that area of practice

  4. Are you asking what difference does it make as a mom to be, what difference does it make for the baby, or what difference does it make for midwife practitioner?  This is unclear from your question.  Please clarify exactly what you're asking and I'll come back on and respond.

  5. It seems to me that a midwife is less likely to be "controlling" of childbirth situations than MDs that are more likely to use medication or surgury, even for low risk patients.

  6. I don't think I understand your question... a certified registered nurse midwife is an RN/BSN with a masters in midwifery. She is highly trained to help monitor and deliver babies as naturally as possible.

  7. You are basically in control of pregancies and sometimes even deliveries of low-risk patients.  Anything high risk and it goes to a doctor.

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