
What difference does it make........?

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If you are a sociopath or just a nasty person

I mean I see all these posts about sociopaths but what about the other nasty people in this world

what is the difference?




  1. I was assaulted by a very nasty person years ago, this person assaulted someone else to, and injured them really badly, later i found out this person had a history of physical violence, was he nasty or was he a sociopath?

    As far as i am aware, he was just a nasty person, very as it happens.

    Would he get the same treatment as sociopaths, doubtful, he was just known as being a "hard man", nothing out of the normal, were as sociopaths are labled, and the label seems to mean more than that of a "hard man"

    This is the difference to me between nasty people and sociopaths.

  2. sociopath is a defined term.

  3. Sociopaths are incapable of feeling guilt, they feel everyone in the world are nasty people that are to be used, manipulated, and controlled by playing on their emotions. It is the way that you just described the ordinary person that helps them feed their ego and convince them they are correct. There is an abundance of nasty people in the world, but only the sociopath is incapable of feeling remorse or having empathy for another human being. ;-)

  4. sociopaths get a s**y scary title

  5. Sociopaths just dont give a d**n about anyone no matter what they do.. go and kill a stray dog, walk by a burning house and not feel bad about it.

    Nasty people have a conscience deep down and can tell if they've gone too far.

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