
What differences does blood types have on an person?

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Could you please tell me the differences between the blood groups and they affect a person?




  1. I don't know the answer properly but I'm pretty sure it CAN make a difference.  I think it can affect your digestion - blood type 'O' is meant to be able to digest red meat, dairy and various other things much more easily than 'A' type, for example.  Sorry not to be able to give more info, I'm sure somebody else can, but it definitely does make a physiological difference.

  2. Red Blood groups are A, B, AB, and O. The rarest being O.

    A persons blood group does not effect them differently in any way, but if a person needs a blood transfusion it must be the same blood group as they are, otherwise their body can reject the blood. Group O is the rarest because Type can be given to anyone of any blood group because it becomes the other blood group once in the system. So Type O is most valuable to give to new born babies if they need a transfusion or someone brought in for an emergency and their blood group is not know.

    Hope this answers your question?


    I stand corrected. AB- is the rarest, but O is rarest for tranfusions, so the most sought after.

  3. i dont know the difference but i know that they dont effect a person in any such way. like how the size of your ears doesnt effect your personality.

  4. Blood group makes no difference to a person unless you were given the wrong group in a transfusion.

    Paul has got it wrong when he says that 'O' is the rarest. Not so -  it is one of the most common and it is known as the 'universal donor blood'  

  5. People with different blood type have different sugars connected to the cell walls of the red blood cells. The main system for blood types is the ABO system. People with blood type A have A-type-sugars and B-antibodies against B-sugars. People with blood type B have B-type-sugars and antibodies against A-sugars. People with blood type AB have A- and B-sugars and no antibodies. People with blood type 0 have no sugars, but antibodies for both A- and B-sugars.

    AB can receive blood from A, B and 0. A can receive blood from A and 0. B can receive blood from B and 0, and 0 can only receive blood from 0.

    Blood type is also seperated by other systems among them the Rhesus system.

    It is not yet clear if your blood type affects you, but some people believe it tells you what you should or shouldn't eat (the blood type diet).

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