
What differences of "NEW MEXICO" and "MEXICO"? why it's seems so similar?

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I'm currious to know about that. About the peoples there ("New Mexico" and "Mexico")




  1. mmmmmm I have a more antique explanation,

    In Spanish Colony times, what is now Mexico was called New Spain, and within New spain there were several kindoms, like the kindom of New Galicia ( todays Nayarit and Jalisco state) New Vizcaine ( todays Durango, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Sonora in Mexico and Arizona and Nevada in the USA)

    The region that went from Acapulco all the way to  Mexico city and some other neibourghing lands was called

    MEXICO....this is where the aztec domains were, a land that brought many many wealth to the Spaniards......

    in 1574 a spanish fraile started a mision to the north of the territory his name was Agustin Rodriguez, he heard from natives about a land with cities and many indians, so he started an expedition, when he came back from his trip he told his superiors that he found a land of great wealth  with cities made of order to bring the atention for his discovery he called the land : New Mexico. All of that were lies, in order to persue a name for himself and also to push the spanish to move in larger expeditions up north,  and also arguments to get money to stablish a Mision.

    Later on by the time of the Mexican independence war ended they change the name of all the territory of New Spain to Mexico, remembering the pre-spanish time of the aztecs.

  2. Have you heard of England? Have you heard of New England?

    York (In Great Britan)? New York (In the US)?

  3. New Mexico is a state in the United States.  Mexico is a country south of the US border.  New Mexico was part of Mexico at one time but lost the war and now it is part of the United States as is Texas, Arizona and California.

  4. The land belonging to the imperial Spanish viceroyalty of Mexico, called New Spain,  used to include areas that are now the United States.  Some of those states are New Mexico, Arizona, California, Utah Nevada and a few other U.S. states. When Mexico became independent, the area that is now New Mexico became part of the new nation of Mexico.  

    During the 1830s,  nearby Texans settled there, joining the native Americans and Hispanic families that already lived there.  During the Mexican-American War in various wars, Mexico ceded that land to the United States.  The U.S. Congress admitted New Mexico as the 47th state in the Union on January 6, 1912.

    Today, Mexico is a (much reduced) nation of 110 million people. The State of New Mexico is a part of the United States and has a population of around 2 million, many of them of Hispanic descent.

  5. Mexico is a Country and New Mexico is a state in the United States.

  6. They seem so similar, because they have one word in common.

    People in the state of New Mexico would be US citizens, would live like people from the US, speak English, use USDollar as their currency and so on.

    People in Mexico, which is a country, are Mexican citizens, with their own culture, music, food, language (Spanish) etc.

    Many differences between the two.

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