
What different types of house foundation's are there and which ones are the best?

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Pros and cons? cost? difficulty? lasts the longest? ect? I am specifically asking about homes with underground basements that need wall support.




  1. personally houses with cellars and inground foundations are better. though CO poison maybe occur. and walls can sometimes crack and leak water during torential rain showers. i like them more bcuz with above ground houses bugs and animals could live under the house and you would not know and it just creeps me out. personally inground foundations are the way too go though a bit more costly for machine work and labor etc..

  2. Poured concrete walls reinforced with rebar are the strongest and most water resistant.

  3. i have been around concrete 15 years now and.... i believe the best foundation for the money is a pour wall foundation.....after it is poured the outside foundation will need to have a waterproofing agent and styrofoam insulation and weeping drain tile around the foundation  

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