
What differentiates "talk with" from "talk to"?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, they're practically the same, like:

I want to talk (to/with) John.

I'm talking (to/with) John right now.

You want to talk (to/with) John?

In which cases do i use "to" and "with"?




  1. "with" is always a two-way conversation.

    "to" can mean you want to talk TO him, so you'll be doing most of talking.

    Sometimes they ARE interchangeable.  :)

  2. You always use 'to' with the word 'talk'. When you talk to someone, you have conversation with them.

    ex...I talked to him yesterday.


  3. If you talk with someone you are equals having a conversation. If you talk to someone, you are the one who is doing the talking.

  4. talk with -- means find out whats going on -  like im gonna have a talk with JOHN.   perhaps hes doing wrong.

    talk to-  means-- you know something wrong is going on-- like im gonna talk to john-- like you know hes up to no good- and john won't have tooo much of a chance to say anything--- cause youre gonna let him know hes doing wrong-

    And yes they are pretty much the same- cause what do you say on the phone-  i wanna speak to or with John.

    Its  Whateva

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