
What difrent species of <span title="reptiles/amphibian/invertabrate">reptiles/amphibian/invert...</span> can u keep together in the same enlcosure?

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please dont say u shud neva mix different species together. i no there are some examples that will live together in harmony that eat the same food and hav the same habitat .e.t.c...

so id like some examples of reptiles/amphibians/invertabrates that people have tried keeping together with success, thanks.




  1. A tank in the store that I go to has a basilisk and oscar fish in the same tank, set up half land half water.

  2. With the questions your posting your certainly live upto your name.

    You just said in your question that &quot;you know there are some examples that will live together&quot; so if you know the answer why are you asking the question.Oh sorry,just forgot your the one who wants to keep parrots and tortoises together arent you ,doh!!

  3. Soft shell turtle, frog, and crabs. Check the species you are looking for out online and check for their natual predators. DO NOT rely on pet stores, i have seen some attempt to keep natural predators/prey together. Also check to see about the individual species territory habbits. You can keep hermit crabs together but if they each don&#039;t have a specific amount of space for territory they will rip each other apart.

  4. i know u said dont say dont keep different species together but i think u should know some facts before mixing anything. just because to species have similar care doesn&#039;t mean there suitable for eat other.

    common problems inculde

    eating each other (its suprising what will at least try to eat what)

    Attacking/ killing each other (2 animals that dont normally live together will sometimes fight.

    stress (makes for ill reptiles just being near even a species from the same geological range can be stressful to these animals)

    Incompatible toxins bacteria and illnesses (especially with phibs but is common with others 2 just cause one species can handle one type of bacteria/doesn&#039;t mean they all can these animals evolved in totally different ways meaning there resistant to different things, as for toxins many phibs and invert have these as defense mechanisms and can easily kill or make the others ill)

    so called &quot;safe&quot; mixes include american grey treefrogs american green treefrogs together

    american green treefrogs and green anolos (never brown ones)

    aquatic newts an hardy fish species such as guppies

    NEVER mix animals from different geographical locations its asking for trouble

    all these still come with risks including killing all your pets

    on one final note: mixing is not something to be taken lightly it takes alot of research careful monitoring and a good pinch of luck not something for beginners to exotic pets

  5. Red Eared Slider Turtles and River Cooters...

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