
What disappointments you the most in this world?

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What disappointments you the most in this world?




  1. We all complain how much the world sucks and how we're all going to h**l and going to kill the earth but so few people do anything about it.

    And that we value human life so little we'll kill each other over drugs or degrade people because of their gender, age, or race.

  2. How human beings are so selfish. We think we are so superior and amazing when we're not. We're destroying parts of the world!

    Also animal cruelty. I hate seeing animals suffer, its just horrible. People think that we're better then them but they have every right as us!

  3. Humans. They think they are such an "intelligent" species, yet they are literally destroying the planet they live on and most don't even care. Do you see any other animal in this world doing that?

  4. how people beat their animals.

  5. Apathy : not caring.

  6. How little respect we have for each other these days. We are so mean to one another, it just doesnt have to be.

  7. For me its POVERTY and HATRED AMONG EACH OTHER (e.g. Race, Religion, etch.) I believe that these are the two major things that what dissapoints everyone.

  8. People who automatically assume animals can't have feelings or real thoughts. i think they are just as smart as you or me, you just need an open mind. So i guess closed minded people disappoint me the most.

  9. immorality and lack of compassion from the world leaders,especially here in USA...

    The best interests of the global population is not run like big business

  10. humans and their selfishness.

  11. difficult. myself for a start. probably the biggest being my constant recognition of people failing them selves. so humanity is the biggest disappointment overall for it's inhuman treatment of others.

  12. me, and how no matter how hard i try i can't change a thing

  13. When people dont learn from their mistakes and keep repeating the same one over and over again

  14. All the broken homes due to divorce. The laws that favor women really contribute to this, I know that there are dead beat dads out there but why should all divorced men be painted with the same brush. Children become bargaining chips and really suffer in some cases. I know a women who partied till all ours ,cheated all the time, and smoked weed daily and was on dating chat sites every day. She still got custody and support from her ex. He could prove she partied, cheated and smoked weed and spent most of her time on dating chat lines but it would cost him $7000. for a planned monitoring visit where she could be on her best behavior, making it a useless cash grab. She didn't stay because when she left she got support payments, a new boyfriend and her own income. She came out way ahead. It's bs.

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