
What disclosures are different from the SEC 10-Q vs the 10-K?

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I know that one is an annual set of financial statements for the end of the fiscal year, and the other is a quarterly, generally unaudited, set, but I was thinking that there were certain sections in the footnotes of the 10-Q where you are only required to make a disclosure if there were changes since the 10-K.

If this is so, which sections are those? I'm trying to hunt this down online, but not having a lot of luck. Please cite your source if you know the answer to this one.





  1. The 10-K is the annual report and is typically the much more comprehensive of the two reports (the 10-Q is the quarterly report). You can typically get both reports from the company's web site under their 'Investor Relations' or 'About Us' tab.

    But is you are looking for data on several companies I would suggest going to the SEC's web site directly. They have the reports for all publicly traded companies in more standard formats than you will find on individual companies' web sites.

    Your assumption is correct about disclosures. Generally you should refer to the 10-K reports over the 10-Qs. I am sure you will find all sorts of juicy tidbits couched in double-speak and legal mumbo-jumbo.

    Use the link below and click on "Companies and Other filers" link. The next screen will require you to enter the full legal name of the company.

    Good Luck and Have Fun! (As fun as financial reports can be at least).

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