
What disease do I have? Stomach issues?

by Guest62113  |  earlier

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I know I have something major, this is not simple acid indigestion or bloating. I originally thought I had IBS, but since feb. it got worse. I woke up with a burning stomach and it was bunching up and cramping. I dont have diarrhea that much but soft stools. I used to have the runs all the time for years. Food aggravates my intestines or stomach. Not eating feels better. Im on acid reducers but I lost my health insurance. I dont want an endoscopy is there another alternative form? How long can I safely wait to be seen? I have been having stomach inflammation after I eat off and on for weeks. I eat less now.. I feel pointed pains at times behind ribs and lower left side, , hard stomach, protruding stomach, a lot of pressure, its scary. Its not going away or going into remission. What the h**l do I have and Im so sick of having it. Im afraid to hear I have something awful like cancer. I fear the endoscope, can I have xrays and other tests instead? What does this sound like to you?




  1. Did you stop the acid reducers? if so, it will take up to a year to heal the esophagus. There is a product, D-Limonene, developed from orange peel to protect the stomach and esophagus while you are going off the proton pump inhibitors.

    I was on them for 25 years. I used the  D-Limonene. It is working but I have to use digestive enzymes, supplements that help to protect and soothe the belly, lifestyle changes.

    You can have side effects from the meds and going off them brings on rebound acidity.

    There are articles on the Life Extension website. I used their product and ideas of theirs as well as listening to my own body and reading as much as I could how to heal. It has been a year and it still takes effort. You have to relax more, eat smaller meals, not go hungry.

    I lost my insurance, not for everything, but for nexium. I think I am now healthier than when on the medicine, but going off is very scary.

    Of course you can have xrays or other tests. And you can say no to endoscopy. Don't avoid help because you are afraid to tell a doctor that you are unable to tolerate one particular test. it is your body.

  2. There is a possibility that you have celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten, which is found in wheat and other grains.  It causes a variety of symptoms, GI and otherwise (fatigue, arthritis, depression, for example)

    If you're up to it, try eliminating all wheat products from your diet for a few weeks and see if you get better.  It's a free way to find out if that's your problem.  Not easy, but free.

    Learn more here:

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