
What diseases are common in boxers?

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i have a 1 year old boxer, and she's shedding her claws, this is okay, according to my vet. but what other diseases can i "expect" for my boxer, and what early symptoms are there




  1. Cancer is #1 -- Higher ratio than any other breed.  Also, is Epilepsy and Cardiomyopathy (he art disease of sorts).

    That is what I know that is common in Boxers.

    BUT despite the possibility of cancer, the time with a Boxer far out weighs any shortened life span.

  2. cardiomyopathy and other heart problems, sub-aortic stenosis, and thyroid. Can be prone to skin allergies. Sometimes prone to epilepsy and hip dysplasia. From age eight on they are more likely to get tumors than other breeds. Tendency for allergies. excessive flatulence.

  3. Dear Max,Congrats on choosing the noble Boxer as your pet. Before taking on types of ailments Boxers are prone to I would like you to know that 90% of an aging canines illnesses were preventable.Cancers,bone and degen. arthritis and even gum and tooth decay.1. Cancers and tumors...Many are intro'd earlier because of intoduction of various carcins. in food,pestcontrol products and exposure to solvents,excessive sun and, lack of exercise induced suppressed immune system. Luckily, the immune system can keep most of these in check with a little help from you.Good food....price is not indicitive of quality,a chewable pet vitamin,gum massage and brushing,LOTS of EXERCISE,and just common sense.When you do brush your pets teeth,purchase a rubber or nylon finger tip bristle gum and tooth massager. NO BRUSH even if it says made for the pet.Bristles can cut gums and deposit debris that can surface years later as a nasty bacteria.This old tip was taught years ago at the College of Veterinary Medicine,Cornell University but now is grouped in the ENT classes with hardly a mention. To bad.And use only a quality paste made in America for canines.Heart,circular. and bone problems...most can be avoided with extensive exercise.Not boot camp type hard core but enough to get your pet "tired".Pest control.......NO  on the neck or between the shoulders pest capsules.The info and research now comming in shows an elevated level of lymph,kidney and liver cancers amoungst users.If it was not for the $$$$$$$$ spent by the manufact. of these TOXIC tabs on advert.,they would not have made it to market.why are   pet pros.    recommd. that they wear gloves when applying product?If you need a safe product for flea and tick control than Harts or Sargents powder is good.3-5 about $5.00 or you can go to WalMart/K Mart's garden dept and pick up a bag of powderd 7 dust. Same price,same stuff only it comes in a 4-5 lb bag. So safe you can use it up to the day of harvest on fruits and vegs.Dust pet occas. and sleeping quarters.For biting flies a good horse spray is OK but I would not apply directly but on a cloth and rub around ears and muzzle.Well Max hope this little bit of info is usefull.You did me a favor by me answering you I stayed on my pledge to avoid afternoon snacks in between "customers".Good luck and give your pet a hug and pat for me.

  4. Losing toenails can be a sign of Pemphigus, an auto immune issue. It is certainly not normal nor should it be considered normal. If your vet thinks that, please consider a new vet and a second opinion.

    As far as other health concerns for the breed, this website will help guide you through some of the more serious and common concerns:

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