
What disgusts you..?

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What disgusts you..?




  1. Any "bullfighter/matador".....who are still alive??,the dead ones get my full ten points !!!

  2. Paedophiles.

  3. Buddhist answer: Everything and nothing.

    Everything, because a good way to conquer craving is to see things in the light of disgust. For example, when you lust after a beautiful woman, think of her body decaying and being eaten by worms. That should cure your craving for it pretty quickly.

    Nothing, because it's also necessary to conquer aversion and hatred. You need to work through your disgust until you realise that's just the way things are, the way the world works, and your disgust is only a personal internal emotion that can be controlled and conquered.

  4. Ignorance and narrow mindedness.

  5. I share many of the same disgusts as the posters above. However I have a personal disgust of religious hypocrisy. Mainly, christians who claim to be following the word of God, and yet seem to hate huge sections of our community.

    This is a fantastic question. Thanks for posting it.

  6. People who harm vulnerable adults, children or animals either emotionally physically or sexually.

    Violence of any sort

    The fact that dustbins are only emptied every 2 weeks

    The foul language from the next door neighbours kids.

  7. cockroaches and filth

  8. People.

  9. Our Present Govt, corruption, greed, and the general decay of America

  10. People who deliberately pick debates about politics, religion, pregnant women who flaunt the fact they're pregnant and rub it in your face because you don't want kids. Slow drivers, impatient, non-compassionate people who are selfish and out for themselves.

  11. Sick men, that all they can think about is s*x.

  12. 1) Racist attacks on foreign nationals who come to this country (N Ireland) and do jobs that people here won't do (because they're too darn lazy and want to stay on the dole)

    2) People who believe they are superior to others

    3) People who pick their nose

    I could continue......

  13. the way they pick these clowns to run for president.

  14. Really disgusting things.

  15. violence

  16. ignorance, narrow mindedness, Deal or No Deal

  17. drug addicts who leave their kids to suffer while there gettin there next fix, they are scum, Peadophiles, rapists, wife/husband beaters

  18. Arrogant people who haven't earned it.

  19. Human overpopulation.

  20. my mother

  21. idiotic men. . .or idiotic boys

  22. killer cows

  23. the fact that i can't go out with my little brother and sister ( age 6 + 7) without earning disgusted looks from narrow-minded people who think that they are my own kids - even if they were, no one should have the right to judge others like that

  24. Parents letting/helping/MAKING their children fat. That is a form of cruelty if you ask me.

  25. Rudeness, litter louts, violence, animal cruelty, ignorance.

  26. Not a lot at my age !

  27. People who think they are entitled to things and that they don't have to work for it.  

  28. People who open their mouths while chewing food (i don't want to see the food churning round)

  29. This is a very broad question because there are many answers and many types of answer. Here are a few things that disgust me:

    Cruelty to animals



    Gratuitous violence on TV


    People farting because they think it's funny


    The use of violence in crime

    Telephone s*x

    Dirty public lavatories


    Some of these are serious and others less so. If I see vomit in the street, I may think it was a yobbo throwing up after a drunken night out but it could be someone who just suddenly became ill. But either way, it still disgusts me.
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