
What distance and times should cycling enthusiasts achieve?

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I have a new scott mountain bike which is first class, however being a novice but very competitive with myself I tend to push myself with regard to time and distance. I am 44 years old and relatively fit.

Been cycling now for approx 6 months and today I achieved 36.5 miles in 2hours 10 minutes on a route with plenty of hills and long uphill gradients. My question is... Is my speed and distance acceptable considering this was on road terrain and I am on a moutain bike (albeit with locked up suspension) with 26 x 2.0 nobbly tyres.

Thanks for any responces in advance and cheers. I'm just keen to see how I am doing. By he way I did have a 15min break at approx half way which is not included in the 2 hours 10 mins.




  1. Our Sunday morning cycling group is considered "serious recreational" which is one step below the rides that competitive racers seek ("training level").  You would fit in well with our group.  With a road bike, you would probably keep up with guys on the training rides but would perhaps have trouble leading.

    Try finding a group to ride with and you'll get a chance to challenge yourself more.  It's more fun that way and the riders end up pulling each other up.

  2. You are a stud Nigel.  I'm 37 and riding for 25 years and over 16 miles each day I only manage to average about 16-17 mph.  You just clocked a little over 18 mph.

    And I'm also on a Mountain Bike - albiet with street tires 26 x 1.5.

    My steel-poly frame probably weighs twice yours at least (she's an old ride - 20 years old and still going), but that should be negated by your nobbies.

    You were hauling!  Nice work!

    Now on the weekends I like to sign up for road events and break out the road bike... a good goal to shoot for would be to complete a Century - 100 miles or more and average about 15 mph!

    See you in the bike lane!

  3. You're killin'! If speed's yor thing then go for it. Personally, it was fun to go fast, but it's fun to take in the scenery. No set rules, just go for what you enjoy.

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