
What distance is a good drive on a driving range with poor quality range balls?

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a lot of the balls are so worn they had almost lost their dimples.




  1. Range balls do give you less distance but it al comes down to you it depends on your swing and your distances.

  2. 200 is good for your first time.


  4. Range balls have a shorter distance than course balls anyway.  150 is not bad on a range.

  5. My answer to this problem is to collect all the trashy balls I find out on the course and save them till I feel the need to go to the range and just hit them till I run out!! that way I find out how far I am hitting each club and it dont cost me owt!!!

  6. If the balls are really poor quality, find another range. There's no excuse for balls with huge chips in the cover, cracks, or worn dimples. Badly damaged balls are potentially costing distance and s******g up your ball flight by messing with the ball's aerodynamics. You might start to think you have a swing fault when really its the awful balls.

    Most of the ranges near me use "Range balls" that are specifically designed for driving range use and are generally distance limited due to their construction, with none of the fancy core technology available in "proper" balls. I'm not a big hitter, but out on the course I hit roughly 240 yards with a good strike, and a similarly well-hit shot on the range might make 200-210 at the most.

  7. Its not a easy answer, I have the same problem. What I have done is to take a dozen reasonable balls I have found and compare the difference. Obviously you cant get the balls back unless you have a crash helmet.

  8. The whole point of the range is to practise your technique and swing, the fact that you have stood their popping 3 wood after 3 wood after 3 wood after 3 wood, well you get the picture does not give you a true reflection of your golf game.

    How often on a course do you hit a 3 wood more than twice in a row, I know I never have. Instead of being worried about the state of the balls which MAY have cost you a little bit of distance i'd worry about the shot's not going straight.

    Go back to the Range and hit your clubs as you would on a golf course and stop worrying about the range balls.

  9. This is a very good question. One goes to driving range not only to practice and correct the swing but to really measure how long he hits each club. But, with the worn out golf balls how can we measure correctly how far do we hit each clubs. Also, when you're hitting from the second floor or thirds floor of the driving range, the balls should be going further than you really hit because you're hitting down.

    I guess it depends on how worn out the balls are. I used to sacrefice some of my balls in the bag hitting into the range to find out whether the range balls are that different.

  10. They go about 80% of a real ball.

    So 150 yds is 150 + 30 = 180 yds is an approximate way to look at it

  11. The balls at any given commercial driving range are of high enough quality to be rated "practice balls." It used to be that these balls were called "shags" because golfers would put them in their shag bags and practice in scoolyards and fields. Look to add 10%-15% to your distance but I'm affraid your accuracy you are stuck with. The balls at the range to include floaters are coated the same as any other ball with the same urethane cover. You can expect your slice/hook to show up on the first tee just as soon as you get there. As for balls without dimples what the heck kind of driving range are you going to?

  12. Don't put too much credence regarding distances on driving ranges. Many are a bit short on accuracy. After all, isn't the object to hit the ball as far as possible? As for the quality of balls, that depends on the operator of the range and his view on customer relations. The operators of our local range take balls out of service when they are not up to the quality of their range . They do a complete change at least once a year.

  13. I dont know what kind of range balls all of you hit.  I can easily hit a range ball anywhere from 270 to 290yds.  To say a good drive with a range ball is 180?  Thats insane.  Those people need to learn to swing a little better.

  14. I wouldn't be concerned about distance at the driving range because you will get 20-40 yards more distance when on the golf course with a regular ball.  I would be more concerned about if the ball is going in the direction I am aiming.

  15. I don't know how far back is the net,  but by ball hit the net on the back....

    (with a 3 Wood)

  16. I work at a driving range and can tell you that they just randomly chose any balls to put into your bucket.

  17. If you can get around 180-190yards with your driver on the driving range, it is considered good already. The idea is to drive the balls straight, if not with traces of fades or draws. Then your day should be accomplished.

    Of course you will not get really good shots with driving range balls. At least you'll get the feel of your shots after hitting quite a number of balls.

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