
What distances should I be hitting with all my clubs??? (in yards)

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I play off 28 (cut recently). I'm a 16 girl of average height 5'3" and any serious tips how to get more distance and how to lower my handicap!!!




  1. No body knows your clubs better that you do. You need to learn how far you can hit your clubs because it is VERY important.  You need to play with your clubs a figure out the distance.  For instance some people can hit a 7 iron 200 yards and others maybe 135. Here is a tip you need to know, play your own game it doesn't matter what iron others are using, use the club that will get you to the green. An example of that could be a 150 yard par 3, someone you know is using a 9 iron and you grabe a 5 iron. Do not change clubs because you see he is hitting a 9 iron use what you are comfortable with. So either go to the driving range and hit each club or play a few rounds a figure out how well you can hit them.  Most people have a 10 to maybe even 30 yard distance range between each club.

  2. Lorena Ochoa is about your size and drives it 295.  Just a point to aim for!

  3. If you are playing to a 28, distance may not be your major problem.  You are probably losing to many strokes around the greens.  Practice and concentrate on getting up and down from around the green, or a good three-shot routine from 100 yards and in.  

    Distance is about swing speed and solid contact. Here are a few distance tips.

    Keep your left (assuming you are right-handed) arm as straight as possible throughout the swing.  

    Lead with your lower body through the shot.

    Head down, and swing down.

    Don't swing so hard, dammit!  Nice and easy.  Tempo... Tempo.

    Good luck. Have fun.  

  4. Go to the practice range and hit balls with all your clubs and mark down the yardages on a note pad.

  5. Distance is the result of swing speed, strength, proper set-up and swing plane .If you set up properly, swing through the ball with an extended follow through and finish with your " tummy" facing your intended target you should be able to maximize your distance.As for lowering your handicap, work on that part of the game which is giving you the most trouble. If need be get some hints from a friend who knows how to cure faults or get some lessons from a professional.Then practice what you were taught until you see decided improvement. Want to get better ? Follow the same procedure for the next part of the game which is now your worst.

  6. Here's an article about Julie Inkster's yardages.  To lower your handicap, always aim at something while in the driving range, master the pitch shots from 50-40-30-20-10 yards (anything longer can be a full shot),  practice bump and runs off the green with different clubs and see how each one reacts, and most important - practice lag putting!!!  Try not to 3 putt in a round and you're on your way.  Plus, have fun.  good luck

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