
What distant famous person are you related to , i'm related to general gordon, how about you?

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What distant famous person are you related to , i'm related to general gordon, how about you?




  1. David Crockett is my 5th generational Grandfather..........Maiden name is Crockett, and the black children just like the white children  back then as well as now still carry the male names like, Charles, David, and Lewis

    Whoulda thunk it

  2. jessie james

    and charles carrol sighned the declaration

  3. apparantely, some one from the royal family. but i dont know if thats the british one. shame im not next inline to the throne or anything. tut. ;-)

  4. Hi im related to General Marejka Gorden too Where r u from. she has been an insperation to me, and i lead by her example left by her legacy of dough dollies, paper machey artwork AMAZING !!! her beautiful paintings and last but not least of her fantastic re-born dolls. Her legacy will be sorley Missed........ God Bless Her crazy soul..... Xxxx

  5. I am the love child of Madonna and Ghandi.Boy ,am i confused.

  6. Issac Newton

  7. Apparently Guy Fawkes but it's highly unlikely

  8. Guy Fawkes and on my one grandmother's side Sir Francis Drake

  9. Jabba the Hutt

  10. Not related no,

    .......but my father's cousin's uncle's brother's cousin (twice removed) had a window cleaner who bought his ladder from a man who's aunt's cousin's father's babysitter's mother used to  be a cleaner in hotels and she once changed the toilet rolls for Johnny Depp.

  11. Hayden Christensen    we are cousins of some sort

  12. Captain Cook (Apparently)

  13. In my family tree are three famous people-- Lyman Hall (who is my GG- Grandfather times 13) Aaron Burr, who married Lyman's sister, and finally William Shakespeare, whose eldest daughter Susanna married  John Hall, who was Lyman's grandfather (or great-grandfather--I forget which)How's that??

  14. My 38th Grandfather was Charles the Great (Latin - Carolus Magnus or Karolus Magnus, German - Karl der  Grosse - better known as Charlemagne) - Kaiser (Emperor) of the Holy Roman Empire and King of the Franks from 768 till his death. He was the son of Pepin/Pippin III (also called Pepin the Short, and often known as Pepin the Younger) and Bertrada de Laon (also known as  Bertha Broadfoot), he was born Thursday the 2 April 742 in Jupille, Belgium and died Tuesday the 28 January 814 in Aix la Chapelle (Aachen). I have this documented through the Wagner/Franz Families.

  15. Eudora Welty, on the Black side. The Black side lived in Ohio and Benona Black was my great-great grandfather and I believe he is the great- grandfather of Eudora. Benona is buried near Pella, Iowa.

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