
What distinguishes the scientific method from other ways of looking at the natural world is?

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What distinguishes the scientific method from other ways of looking at the natural world is

A. the eternal truth of it's laws and theories

B. its replacement of existing laws and theories at regular intervals

C. its reliance on the opinions of expert scientists to decide which laws and theories to believe

its reliance on experiment and observation




  1. D. (I assume, since there's no letter there) on experiment and observation

  2. E: scientific method means using of jargons,datas,observation &prognostic which is the mind-set

    of researchers.sometimes the natural world is unstoppable

    differently  the aborigines in the amazon sees the natural world as it is.

  3. 1. Quantification

    2. Varification

    3. Replication

    Both the scientific method and other ways rely upon observation, however the scientific method yeilds answers which can be measured,the data examined by others for accuracy and the results proven to be reliable by other people's observations, replication.

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