
What do AGW proponents do to help stop global warming?

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I see a lot of people on here who are die-hard fans of AGW... What do you people do to try to stop global warming. This question is primarily for Bob, Dana, Benjamin... You are the big three. What do you do to stop global warming? Im not trying to start a fight, I just want to know what your are doing other then trying to spread info about it. How many times have you flown on a plane? Do you try to conserve resources more than you used to? I know these questions have been up before by other people, but im not going to sift through them to see if one of you three answered them.

I dont even believe in AGW, and I can honestly say I have a tiny "carbon footprint".




  1. Good question, stated sincerely.  Starred.

    I do exactly the same things I suggest for others.  Not to stop doing things, but to do them smarter.

    I conserve energy.  Compact fluorescents, 30+ mpg car, programmable thermostat, increased insulation, etc.

    I pay a small additional fee on my electric bill to support wind energy.

    But I'll cheerfully take a vacation with my wife in the car.  We don't have to stop living to fix this.  But it will also require government action, and international cooperation.  I understand that extremist right wing types hate that.

    I spend way too much of my time here trying to get people to just LOOK at the real science.  In that spirit:

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

    FRANCES O - I have NEVER reported someone on answers for denying global warming, no matter how absurd their argument.

  2. Made my home as energy efficient as possible - it consumes less than one-third the US national average household energy consumption.  Did this with things like CFLs, smart power strips, low-flow fawcet and showerheads, turn the thermostat way down in winter and way up in summer, etc. etc.

    That reminds me of a funny anecdote - we currently keep our thermostat between 58 and 62ºF (62 when home and awake).  My wife read an article in the paper about an abusive foster parent, and one of the points laid out against her was that she kept her house down at 62°F.  We were like 'wtf, how is that abusive!?'.  Anyway, continuing...

    Pay a bit extra each month to my electric provider (PG&E) to offset my power emissions, which they put toward renewable energy infrastructure.

    Recycle whenever possible (our recycle bin is almost always significantly more full than our garbage bin).

    Bought a Prius to more than double my car's mileage efficiency.

    Bought an electric scooter for commuting to work when I don't bike.

    Reduced my beef consumption significantly.;...

    Support politicians who make the environment a top priority.

    Try and inform people about the science behind global warming.

    To answer your sub-questions, I haven't been on an airplane since grad school (~3 years), when I had to travel to do research (i.e. astronomical observing with instruments on Mauna Kea).  I've only been on planes for work, school (i.e. band trips), or family vacations as a kid.  Yes, I try to conserve resources more now than I used to.

  3. nothing......   global warming is a fictional story to scar the h**l out of you and make you buy those silly pig tail light bulbs and tiny tin cans that all the weak minded libs love to drive

  4. You and i know they do nothing but talk and type on the computer which uses energy  polluting  and  adding to global warming if you by what they preach.

  5. I work on making plans to shut down some very inefficient factories in China,

    I work on making plans for future long term energy supplies (hence, also increasing the world stability)

    I work on assessing emission reduction projects.

    I work on redesigning and optimizing the very young emission reduction economy.

  6. I telecommute most of the time.  Have a hybrid car.  CFL bulbs all over the house.  Decreased size of lawn to reduce mowing (have very large lot that used to be mowed regularly). Lowered thermostat settings (wear extra layer of clothing) and have it timed to minimize unnecessary heating. Don't use air-conditioning in summer. Recycle.

    Working with an inventor who has patented a system to significantly reduce heating energy waste in older apartment buildings using central boilers.

  7. The most powerful thing anyone can do is vote.

    We need to change U.S. public policy now.  

    Energy production (mostly coal-fired power plants) is the largest issue (40% of the total):

    Transportation is 30%, so we need higher MPG standards.

    Yes, China needs to be part of the solution.  Their average auto MPG is 35...

    Nice ad hominem attack on Bob, Dana, Benjamin in an attempt to shift the conversation away from the science and the evidence supporting it.

    "...replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim. The process of proving or disproving the claim is thereby subverted, and the argumentum ad hominem works to change the subject."

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