
What do AGW think about the idea of more snow?

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For the first time in 11 years our mountain passes here in the state of washington were closed due to massive snow coming down. So where is this global warming shinanigan?!?!

We got more cars in the NW on 1-5 and taking longer and longer to get to downtown because of traffic... and you know what that means CO2 heaven... yet it has gotten wetter and colder and now more snow! The ice aint meltin... if anything we're gainin'




  1. Well, I know I'm wasting my time explaining this to you, but I think it's important to have the accurate information for people who read this question with an open mind.

    For starters, you're talking about weather.  That doesn't tell you anything about the global climate.

    However, on average global warming causes increased precipitation to fall due to warmer average weather causing more evaporation.  In the winter, when temperatures are below freezing, precipitation falls as snow.

    On average, an increased global temperature of a fraction of a degree is not going to bring winter temperatures in cold regions above freezing.  But it is going to increase evaporation.  Therefore, increased snowfall is not a surprising result.

    Besides which, you seem to be suggesting 'because it's snowing a lot that means global warming has stopped'.  But we know global warming continues:

    So your point is...well...pointless.

  2. Localized weather does not prove or disprove AGW, unless it is Hurricane Katrina!

  3. Cold and snow are proof that "global warming" is real.

    We're experiencing the coldest winter in the last 100 years and believers faith still isn't shaken.

  4. I think the AGW people that bought Al Gore's book; "An Inconvenient Truth" should demand their money back.

  5. Right on homes!  I'm with you on that one.  I don't see any AGW out there.

  6. Global warming refers to overally long-term GLOBAL trends--not to local or short term variations. Where I live,our winter is warmer than average. You have some extra snow. NEITHER has squat to do with global warming.

    The "skeptics" keep obsessing over every rainstorm or cold snap--and all its doing is showing how ignorant they are.

  7. Well, if you want to use AGW logic, global warming caused the snow.  Now that the snow is here sunlight will be reflected back into space causing the temperature to drop which, of course, will cause more snow which, of course, will cause even MORE sunlight to be reflected back into space which will cause even MORE snow which...more drivel...which will freeze the Pacific Ocean so we will be able to walk to Hawaii.

  8. The facts you mention do not count to the GW fascists.  Only THEIR data is important.  The fact that the NE just had the snowiest Dec. ever recorded, or that it recently snowed in Bagdad for the first time in over 50 years means nothing.  These, and what you mention, are "isolated cases" that don't count.   They want GW,and the last thing they want to admit is that the big GW scare was just a big con. They would rather have GW, than be exposed as ignorant doom and gloom Liberals.  Thats the kind of people they are. UGH.

  9. It doesn't fit in with their numbers,OMG now what? "Oh yeah on the average global; blah,blah,blah...It can't be happening because, it's now regional/local.But not global....they can't even get it straight.

    Let me guess it's now a orderly chaotic system.I hear that all the time also.I like the facts,just not strewn about.

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