
What do AMericans think of Britain and the British?

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What do AMericans think of Britain and the British?




  1. We think they have very cute accents.

  2. Some Americans think us British have bad teeth and drink tea. Other Americans have respect for us and think we our a nice nation. It really depends on the type of American.

  3. I personally think the British are wonderful. Just another culture with an interesting history. I think that as in any country, Americans can easily come off as bein rude and to American's sometimes so can the British.  British comedy rivals that of America in my opinion and if Prince William becomes King than I would rather have him as my leader as apposed to this government.

  4. I have been to Britain and we really aren't that different (expect for a few cultural differences of course), I never got the impression that I was looked down upon or treated differently just because I was an American. I loved Britain and the British people, I felt welcomed and as if I was meeting distant cousins that I never had the chance to meet before. If given the chance I would live there in a heartbeat!

  5. I think that most Americans look at Britain and the British people very favorably. We have been allies in many wars and a good many Americans can trace their ancestry to the British Isles. Our governments are quite similar and generally I think that we have a lot in common as a people.

  6. I just got done watching the war of 1812 yesterday and it put me totally against the Brittish. What they did to our country out of spite was Satanic. And God prevailed. But I forgive them. And They have changed for the better. If they hate us, then so be it, but I don't hate them.

  7. I'm very interested in Britain and the British.  I'd love to go there for an extended visit.

  8. Hey,the Brits and French are some of the best allies we've ever had.

  9. I love the British.

  10. I don't really care..... I rarely see anyone from europe in california....

  11. They have a real culture. The people seems 'realer' in a way. They dont seem as concerned with material gain, fashion, stepping on others to get ahead, or have bizarre ideas about beauty like we Americans do. It's no wonder that Madonna retired there.

  12. That they don't like Americans.  They take every opportunity to bash Americans without looking or giving the rest of the country a chance.  That is what I have at least seen on Y!A.

  13. Trust me Dragon...the Brits have NOTHING in common with America!

  14. you guys are our friends and "cousins"

    We study English literature and some English history in school before starting American history.

    We are allies. We speak the same language. For a while there was definetely a case of anglophilia in Hollywood with lots of British movies. We also rely on some great English actors of late and are generally very fond of England.

    england is a place where most of us like to visit, besides the obligatory trip to Tuscanny. We also enjoy English humor, it is dry, but good and pervasive throughout the entire culture though that has been getting a bit washed with the influx of people from all over the world now calling England home.

    Now we got an English soccer star and lots of people are crazy about him. Those are some of the things I can think of, top of my head. For a while a lot of people were smitten with Princess Diana and we watch lots of movies having to do with Queen Elizabeth or Vicky the Second. We are also into the princes and find Charles to be funny looking. Tony Blair is going to teach a class at a college here.  There is a series on TV lots of us watch called The Tudors, about the megalomaniacal Henry 8. And most Americans follow English soccer because we can understand the language and identify better with the athletes than say Latin American soccer. I personally enjoy watching Chelsea and United.

    But yeah, England is very positively seen and we all want to visit the landmarks in England. Oh yeah, we like your accents, your music. Your accents make anything sound official. Meaning, when we watch Animal Planet, Travel Channel, anything a guy with an English accent tells us, we readily believe to be official and scientific.

  15. Americans think in terms of British stereotypes - and overlook things. Big gaps in their knowledge. Smacks of having to learn geography or history.

    The British look down their noses at Americans.

  16. Americans like to forget that if it wasn't for Britain, their country would not exist.

  17. The way most Americans think about the rest of the world...with ignorance. If it doesn't involve the United States then it doesn't matter. Most Americans couldn't find Britain on a world map.

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