
What do American conservative women think of Feminism?

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right wing US women, would you consider yourselves feminists?




  1. Your confused it's the democrats or left wing US women who consider themselves feminists.

  2. I would not.

  3. Noo

  4. Any normative human being, irrespective of political affiliation, would regard this hateful philosophy as utter rubbish in the modern era.

  5. Definitely not.  

  6. It would definitely depend on the women-not all right wing US women are alike-just like left wing men and women are very different as well. I know of some feminists who are anti-choice. They may very well be conservative socially on some issues but differ on others. I know right-wing US women like Phyllis Schafly and Anne Coulter use the rights that feminists have gained yet state that other women should not-it's almost as though they don't consider themselves women or think they are "exceptional" women. They give the impression that are above the "traditional roles" that other right-wing women should live by. They are truly a confusing contradiction.  

  7. Like everyone else they see feminism as something past its sell-by date. Why on earth would ANY well-adjusted women want to associate themselves with it.

  8. A right wing woman can be a feminist as well.

  9. Some people call Ann Coulter a feminist.

    I would disagree but that would just be my bias opinion since she annoys me to no end.  

  10. Feminism is a good thing only where it applies to basic HUMAN rights.  What it has evolved into since the origins is more like a desire for women to be goddesses, and s***s at the same time.

  11. A few of them are OK with feminism as it was originally intended. But most appear to think that it's lost its way.

  12. it's a great thing but, getting out of the practiced culture.

  13. Most American women don't even think.

  14. Do feminist still exist, I thought that went with the 70's; the remaining feminist in America I think are down tools and are all married to some macho men in the South.(Red Necks)

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