
What do American men think of foreign women?

by Guest61688  |  earlier

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Would u date a woman who's not American, if u wouldn't ,why?




  1. Hello,

    They like them because they are often interesting and slightly different . I dated foreign women and married one.


    Michael Kelly

  2. Of course! I would and I do. I've actually only dated one American woman, and she was really more German than she was American (her mother is from Germany and she was raised as a German more or less). I don't have anything against them per se, it's just that I've spent most of my life abroad. I do feel that foreign women are more sophisticated, however, and I can have much deeper conversations with them. Currently, I work in a university setting with a lot of young American women, most of whom are white- and sometimes I feel like I'm in the Dallas Cowboys cheerleading camp- they're all so bubbly, perky, and fun, and at the same time quite conservative. It's hard to discuss any serious issues with them, as they're not critical thinkers, and they're quite superficial from a conversational point of view. I guess foreign women seem to be more intellectual and sophisticated, and that's what attracts me to them. So, yes- I have no problem dating foreign women!

  3. Well of course I would because knowing about another culture & that person is a good way to expand your horizion & step out your box a bit.I don't see nothing wrong with dating any woman from a foreign country,as long as we have that resepct & understanding of each other then we all good.Beside I love my American women to the core but lately I've been thinking about crossing this pond to go somewhere else too.Well I got a question for you.Could you see yourself dating an American man or not?If so why?

  4. how does the song go? american woman get away, american woman get away from me, american woman listen to what i say lol.

    most american men think very low of american women. as for foreign women, european women are great, but in third world countries, thier mentality and culture is vastly different than those of us in the west. i really dont see much different from western women in europe than americans. however i think foreign women are more feminine than american women are. plus alot of americans love foreign accents. i know i do. but then again i hear accents from all over the world as it is anyways. its only a problem when she speaks limited english, then it can get annoying trying to communicate.  

  5. People are people it doesn't matter where they are from.

  6. Yes because in USA the women are too demanding.

  7. Definitely yes.  Especially Australlian women!!

    They have the most beautiful women on the planet and I love their accent!!

  8. Yeah, man, why not???

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