
What do Anti Feminists think that a Woman's Role is?

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Since they don't think that women have the right to be their own person, what DO they think the role of a woman is?

Because to them, it seems that all women are supposed to fit in one mold, hence, a ROLE. We're not free to follow our own goals in life; to them. So what is this ROLE they have in their fantastical minds?




  1. Being a non-femminist, I dont believe in defining a role for any woman. Its not my job. I dont think that women doesnt have the right to be their own person. If your have your own view of "anti-femminism" and "femminism", which you are entitled to have, by God, you are not going to let facts get in the way of that. I am not going to clarify to every women who is confused between chauvinism and anti-feminism that they are not the same.

    "We're not free to follow our own goals in life; to them" - Care to give an instance where you were NOT allowed to follow your own goals because of a non-feminists intervention?

  2. You asked: what role an anti-feminist believes a woman should play? The answers here should tell you: Feminist has become a dirty word. Sad, but true. Feminism simply means that "women should have equal rights as men" --who wouldn't subscribe to that? All of these posters should be feminists, but they seem to believe that to call oneself a feminist means that you must become a man-hating, birkenstock wearing, radical, L*****n. Gimme a break. In a society that turns Britney Spears and Paris Hilton into icons, it's no wonder our ideas have become so stupid. I am all- woman and a feminist and I know that your question was directed to those who are TRULY anti-feminists, like someone who has very strong religious and socio-political views about a woman's place being "in the home"...but just look what you have discovered: most of modern women are afraid to call themselves feminists. It's time for a change.

  3. There is a huge difference between the feminist cause and women rights.

    I would compare the women's movement of the early 70's that stood for equal rights to the black movement under MLK. Theses are both great and meaningful movements that people listen to!

    I also would equate the Feminist movement of today to that of the Black Panther movement.

    As you can see one was a just cause that woke America up to commonsense injustices while the other is a "in your face" hostile movement that the overwhelming majority on American doesn't respect.

    Feminist, unlike the women movement insist that their is no difference between men and women, i.e. everything is unisex. This is absolutely not the case no matter how much they say it is. The fact of the matter is women are different from men in many ways and men are different from women in many ways.

    I don't think any average person doesn't think women should have the same rights as men, i.e. voting, jobs, pay, etc. But let's not pretend we're made up the same way.

    Men and women can respect one another without having to be or do the same exact things as one another. That's what compliments them as a team -

  4. Anti-feminists believe a woman should do anything she wants . . . except be a feminist.  They have their own views of what feminism is, and by God, they're not going to let facts get in the way of that.

  5. First of all... you're being judgemental. You say that anti-feminists believe that women don't have the right to be their own person, and that women should fit a role... If you don't like them judging you, don't you judge them!

    Now, I'm not feminist or anti-feminist. Women should have the right to do what they want. If some want to go out in the workplace and become a CEO and not be married with kids, good for them. Go for it. And if a woman would rather stay home and raise a family, good for her. Each person has a right to do what they want!

    Most people who are "anti" feminist are so because feminists are very outspoken and demanding. FREEDOM TO HAVE A CAREER! NOT JUST HOUSEWIVES! Ect. That's what they chant. And some people, and a lot of women, think that they should just shut up and let people live their lives without forcing them to give women rights that they already have.

    Everyone should just let everyone do what they want and keep their opinions to themselves instead of forcing their opinions on others.

  6. Just because someone is anti-feminist does NOT mean they think women don't have the right to be their own person. As a matter of fact none of your statements are true. Anti-feminist are people who think feminist are whack jobs. We still believe that women and men should have equal rights. But that's just it we believe in equal rights not special rights. We believe that women who are SAHM's are just as valuable as women who have career's. We value children and family and don't believe that we have to be totally selfish in order to be happy.

  7. I think a woman can fulfill any role she wants to and is capable of.  What I don't think is that there is any particular reason why men and women should fill any roles in exactly equal numbers.  I don't think it matters if there are not as many women MPs as men for instance, or women scientists or engineers or whatever.  And i am totally against women being given preferential treatment in getting jobs etc because they are women.

    And I don't think that staying at home with your children is a fate worse than death.  In my opinion, work is highly overrated.  I find modern women's frantic obsession with work quite fatiguing.

    Nor do I think that 'equal relationships' are the only way a marriage can be happy.  Personally, equality bores me.  I find inequality in my personal life more interesting.  Tastes differ, but feminism does not seem to encompass that.

  8. they think women should be barefoot and pregnant

  9. Ok i'am neither an anti feminist nor a feminist(far from it).

    I personally think that role assignment should be devoid of gender.

    If we get assigned roles as humans rather than men or women it could make a world of difference because i dont think the human tendency to categorize or generalize will ever diminish.

    The only hope is to view men and woman first as humans and then only can we beleive in equality.

    Also just like there are various schools of feminism there are quiet a few on anti feminism.

    Just like not all of feminism is good we can say that anti feminism is also not a paragon of virtues.

  10. I am an anti-feminist and I believe that women should have one essential thing - choice. There is no obligation to do anything; you have a liberty to do what you want, not a license. Women who don't fit into gender roles shouldn't feel constrained. People who naturally fall into gender stereotypes (most people do to some extent) also shouldn't be criticized or blamed, or forced to be androgynous by gender theorists and social engineers.

    I am an egalitarian, I think feminism as a whole is misguided and is a far more complex system of sociological theories, concepts and beliefs, than most would think, than the simple "women should have equal opportunity to achieve and should be treated as equal as men". You only realise this once you've got into women's studies classes. And no I’m not talking about mad hairy legged lesbians, most of them don’t exist, I’m talking about much more subtle stuff, you just have to read a lot feminist books..

  11. The woman role is to be her own person/woman /mother/wife/ daughter and  sister. she is useful to her community with her job what ever it is. She is the light of her home,guidance of her children and the love and inspiration of her husband. She is well loved by her peers and community . This is my personal opinion of a woman ,s role.

  12. From what I've observed here, I think most anti-feminists agree that women should be allowed to do whatever they want . . . until they have kids.

  13. Breed. Do all household work. Look after kids and husband. Be pretty and feminine. Oh, and shut up.

  14. Just because one does not agree with the radical anti-male policies of the so called feminist movement, does not mean they are the enemy. Your question is a loaded one. Why do you think a man believes in a role for women if he disagrees with feminist policies? This is a tactic used by feminist to discourage discussion of problems with feminism. Labels are bad and have no place in intellectual debate.

  15. You seem to be confused about anti-feminists and mysogynists... Mysogynists hate women and want to control them... There are very few of them here... Mostly we, the anti-feminists, stand up against hairy man-hating flannel-wearing cussing - like - a - sailor feminists bullies who seem to be in control of this section. You can be whatever you want to be, dear! After all, its a free country!

  16. You do not have slightest of idea what a bad law can do to a good person.

    Law Today is like what religion was in yesteryears atleast for those who comply by law and fear law.

    In past if somebody broke rules of religion it was like inviting all the wrath of the world around him and so is law today to its people.

    A bad law is enough to set an honest innocent rolling.

  17. "What do anti-feminists think that a woman's role is?"

    Who cares?

  18. I think there is a difference between misogyny and anti-feminism. It seems to me that anti-feminists can do what ever she wants until she gets married and has kids. Then her life depends around them, even though the man is still allowed (encouraged) to have a life outside the family. There are many women here who even support this view.

    You get into real misogynist territories with people like Anatol who believe all women should walk around in coresettes and Victorian dresses, gazing modestly at the ground, only speaking when a man speaks to them.

    One group is old fashioned, the other is a little psychotic.

  19. What I've seen them say is: cleaning house, giving birth, taking care of babies and children.

    That's it. No woman has the right to ever do anything else.

    Sick, isn't it?

  20. You know what? Often times they think the role of the woman should be up to the woman. In fact, a lot of anti-feminists will promote women working. An anti-feminist doesn't necessarily mean that they encourage staying home and looking after children, or cooking and cleaning being the sole responsibility of a woman. As others here have said, there is a difference between not promoting feminism and being a "woman-hater".

    I've found that many anti-feminists actually believe the same things I do. It's funny when you see a woman write, "I love my career, I would hate staying at home and I think men discriminate me because I'm a woman sometimes" then proudly proclaim they have nothing to do with feminism, nor do they associate with feminists.

    Isn't it funny though, that an anti-feminist can share the exact same beliefs as I (and many many of them do, by the way, I've been watching the posts mua ha ha ha), and claim to be something else? Some say that feminists can't be educated in any other way than what they believe in, but the same can be said for anyone who holds strong beliefs. If you saw a feminist on the street, you wouldn't know she was a feminist...the same goes for anti-feminists....except feminists wear a whole lot of flannel...LOL

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