
What do Australians think of New Zealanders these days?

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I lived there years ago in Sydney & found the general consensus was that we were all dodgy, hick town people & were in Australia up to no good & "stealing your jobs" (even though the office job I had did not get any Australian applicants, even in the middle of a recession! - all the applicants were from non-Australians, so I certainly didn't think I was stealing a job from an Australian). Last time I was there (in Brisbane & Coastal NSW, not Sydney), a few years ago, I noticed a big change in attitude. Everyone I met had been to NZ on holiday or knew someone who had (no one was doing that when I lived there before) & people seemed to think we were kind of cool now. I thought maybe Peter Jackson & our film industry, the NZ fashion industry doing well overseas & maybe our music like Scribe & Evermore, etc might have changed people's views on things. Has it? Or do people in Sydney and Melbourne still think we're *****? Or should I say ducks?




  1. I know and have worked and played with many Kiwis and they are treated exactly the same as everyone else I know. Of course, when the two countries are playing cricket or rugby against one another, there is a certain amount of rubbishing, but it comes from both sides and isn't at all serious. Our employers are crying out for good workers in all sorts of jobs, so anyone who objects to a Kiwi (or anyone else for that matter) working here, is just looking for something to whinge about.

    For goodness sake, if all the Kiwis went back to NZ our economy would probably fall apart!

  2. generally aussies dont like kiwis because of their accent and because of their high rate of zoophilia

  3. I don't mind them, the non-Maori New Zealanders seem pretty much the same as Australians, the Maori New Zealanders seem a bit culturally different but over all not too bad.

    My 13 year old daughter thinks that nice looking rugby playing Maori boys are just the cat's pyjamas. Lol.


  5. New Zealnders think Australians haven't evolved far from the apes.

  6. Great I love Kiwis, most all of my tenants at the boarding house I manage and run here in Sydney are from New Zealand. I've seen more of New Zealand than most Kiwis have. I have a lot of friends and family over there. I always have a 'choice' time over there.

  7. We like New Zealander's so much we gave them Bondi.  You have to know that as Australians if we know something annoys you we take great delight in making sure we continue to do it.  :)    P.S  I have been to NZ many times and Milford Sounds is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

  8. Personally I like New Zealanders....the ones that give you the bad names are those that have come here just to get on the dole as soon as they step foot in the country and then find employment with unscrupulous employers who pay cash in hand.

  9. i think the issue is that so many of you move over here and whilst I don't take issue to it the Islanders in particular leave a lasting and very bad impression.

    In Melbourne we don't see any difference between anyone generally and I personally don't know anyone who dislikes Kiwi's on a whole, just the bad ones they have come in contact with.

    As for all you so called Aussies making rude comments and telling really stale jokes. The NZ in Anzac is New Zealand and they have always been by our side as we have them. Grow up, they are as close to family as we have and you are all embarasing to the history of our great country.

    New Zealand  is a gorgeous country and it's really time to stop the S****y jokes. They aren't funny.

  10. Well, I really like New Zealanders. Although I do enjoy poking fun with the odd sheep joke, it's all in good fun, and it's the Australian way to tell someone that you like them by poking fun at them. It shows that we respect you!

    I feel like we have some sort of comeraderie with New Zealand, like we are separate countries but the same in some ways. It's nice! But then again, I'm not from Sydney or Melbourne, and don't always particularly agree with people from either of the cities.

  11. NZers are fine as long as they leave their girlfriends at home! we have enough sheep here!


  12. Yea i dont mind new zealanders but a lot of people i know dont like them (RACISM lol) it depends on who you talk to

  13. I don't think its something normal people worry about in the slightest, except when there is a trans-Tasman cricket or rugby game on.

    Unfortunately too many people take delight in stirring up sh*t for the sake of it.

  14. Why don't New Zealanders play hide and seek?

    Because nobody wants to find them.

    Choice, Eh Bro.

    PS - If you want to keep supporting the All Blacks, then go back home.

    Good for you Zebra.  To quote an old song "Stay where you are New Zealand.  Just stay where you are"

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