
What do Australians think of the British who Emmigrate there?

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What do Australians think of the British who Emmigrate there?




  1. My partner is British and most of his family are also now living here because they found it to be so much nicer here. Australians don't mind the British at all.

  2. The majority of the population is based on British immigrants - not convicts.

  3. ,Most people like them I do for sure . I married one . Australia has a huge amount of immigrants from many countries. Of course you always get bigoted people racist people etc where ever you go in this world but there are not many of them here.

  4. Most Australians like us.

    There is a lot of good humoured banter, especially about cricket !!

    I have come across a few Australians who REALLY don't like us, but then you get that type of person everywhere.

  5. It depends on the individual Britisher.  Some are pains in the ****.  Some are wonderful.  Most are somewhere in between.

  6. We scarcely notice, 20% of the population wasn't born here, the fact that somebody is British hardly rates a mention.

  7. that they are about 200 years too late

  8. Australia is 95% immigrants, so everyone is normally excepting, especially of the british because of our strong ties with them. But you need to understand its the australian way to make fun of themselves and other people so someone with different accent will always get some baiting about there culture, whinging poms, warm beer, always raining in britian and other often incorrect stereotypes, this is sort of  sledgeing is not to confused with dislike, but is freindly banter, the british normally understand this, the americans find it rude.

  9. Most Australians have some kind of family who have emmigrated here - whether it be from the UK or elsewhere. My english parents emmigrated to Australia in the 70's and my siblings and I are the first generation of Australians in the family. So to answer your question, I think most people accept it without a blink of an eyelid really.

  10. I really think it's fairly normal. I mean no white Australian is native so we've all come from somewhere else.

    I'm part italian, scottish, english and many more mixed in there that I don't know about!

    as far as my opinion on British people go. I like em! I actually don't know a lot of new british migrants but there's this one lovely fella I do know who is very friendly. for some reason though i can't help immitating his accent every time I'm around him.. it's rather embarassing!

    you'll get Your aussies that have a good old go at brits about cricket and beert and anything they can really! but it's all in good humor.

    and yes, unfortunately we have our rude and obnoxious Australians who don't like foreigners .. i really don't know where they think their ancestors came from!

    but all up we embrace any culture... as long as they don't expect us to start changing our laws and way of life to suit them! you come here to live in Australia, you can abide by our laws and if it doesn't suit you... the simple answer is to go back to where you came from!! (this is in regard to some people thinking they should be able to have three wive and collect government benefits for each.. how rude!)

    Oh and British people, come to Tasmania, there's hardly any of you here!


  11. I think it's a very big step to take in their lives, and I always hope they enjoy their new life here.

    I've found most do settle well, but some people just can't get over their homesickness and return to the UK. (Which is perfectly understandable.)

    So many things are different to what they're used to, eg: climate, seasons, lifestyle etc. Some people happily adapt and some don't.

    If my ancestors hadn't made the giant leap, back in the 19th century, I wouldn't be here.

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