
What do Bigfoot and Bin Ladin have in common?

by  |  earlier

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I would say they both prefer to live in caves, both are harrier than average folks, and both are very skilled at evading capture. Do you see any other parrellels or do you think I should put the bong down now?




  1. They have nothing in common.

  2. they are both ugly and hairy creatures? we always hear of them but have you ever seen them outside of a video tape or photographs? they both smell like they havent bathed in years?

  3. ya theres no proof that either one exists

    and h**l NO you shouldnt put the bong down..i why should you!!??

  4. I don't no

  5. No, just pass it around so we can all see Bigfoot. LOL

  6. They're both rare to find

  7. Nobody is looking too hard for either one of them

  8. we don't know whether either of them are?

    although that's not true, because we know that bigfoot is in our imagination.  

  9. Well, I think the American public would like to see both of them stuffed and mounted, placed in a glass case, and put on exhibition somewhere.

    (Not in the same glass case, obviously...)

  10. they both start with the letter B

  11. Both are known to emit a very foul smelling odor

  12. they both terrorize

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