
What do Black people like to be categorised as?

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What name do you like? Black, Colored, Minority, African-American, Afro-American, *****, *****, ******, Brown. Keep in mind that you have to be categorised, even to just describe a person or yourself. White people, what do you feel comfortable saying, seriously?




  1. [Rant: Contrary to others, who seem to be promoting the notion of being colorblind (coincidentally, their avatars all seem to be white - the hegemonic "default race" one might call it), I don't mind recognizing race.  It's something that people deal with in every facet of life - you can't simply plug your ears anytime someone brings it up...  Recognizing race does not equal racism.]

    Anyway, I'm white - I don't mind being called white.  I have "black" friends.  If I want to sound pompous, then I whip out the "African-American" label.

    If you're looking to explore issues of race with regard to the African-American community, I suggest perusing and/or

  2. I wouldn't feel comfortable being called colored or any of the starry '****' versions.Everything else is okay although I personally say African-American.I personally think 'Afro' is kind of funny because you're classifying s/o based on a physical attribute.Have you ever noticed how races are usually classified by the region that race is said to have originated.Caucasian=Caucasus Mountains.This is why African-American seems pretty fair of a reference to me.

  3. ninjas.

  4. People

  5. american. you do not need to be categorized that's why we have names for.

  6. Americans.  I call people by their names.

  7. Humans, like everyone else

  8. Eh. Black is cool. African American can fly. has a ring to it.  

    Colored won't work simply because of Jim Crow and the whole White/Colored only signs thing.

    Minority refers to white males only...

    Call me a ni33er and I will refuse to associate with you.

    Mass'uh might be kinda nice.

    Ideally, I'd like to be called by my name, though.

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