
What do Britons now think of the Madeline McCann situation?

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Is it still an important issue there? I am an American.




  1. Don't they say that the first 24 hours are critical with any missing person, but if that person is a child then it's the first 6 or so?

    After that time, the worst can be assumed. Madeline has been missing for over 14 months. The media has publicised it to such an extent that I cannot possibly believe she is still alive.

    There are far too many suspicious questions, still. I think her parents did it, but that's just speculation.

  2. I really wouldn't like to say whether poor little Maddie is dead or alive, but I am afraid my thoughts regarding her parents' attitude have never changed.  Although my hearts aches for the terrible situation they are in, I am afraid that I still lay the blame of Maddie's disapperance at their feet.  These two people have to live with the knowledge that their actions are totally responsibility for their daughter's fate.  No one, should leave children alone at night.  Apart from the extreme consequences that happened that night, any one of the 3 children could have woke up and fell, touch a light fitting, etc, etc and I truly believe that if it had been a single mother from a low income bracket, then the press would have villianised her, but the McCanns are a middle class family and have been treated quite fairly by the British Press and public.

  3. My view is, sadly, the same now as it was when Madeline  "disappeared" - she is dead.

    How a family can go on holiday with young children and then leave them alone in a building whilst the adults go off and enjoy themselves is beyond me.

    The McCanns should have been jailed for child neglect - in a decent civilisation, they would have been. Their "campaign" is merely a device to shift the blame from themselves.

    REMEMBER, if they REALLY thought more of their children and less of their own stomachs, Madeline might have been alive today (unless, of course, the McCanns are also murderers).

  4. It is still an important issue. My view is that she probably died in the apartment and her parents know exactly what happened but have mounted a media campaign to protect themselves and their reputations.

  5. I think that Maddie must be dead.  That area of Portugal has lots of wild countryside which would be easy to bury a body and never be found.  Her parents were neglectful leaving the children alone (repeatedly) - I feel that if they had not been professional people they would have been prosecuted for this (if this happened in UK I think they would have been).  I have been to Portugal several times and, like Spain, there is never a problem with taking children out with you at night to a restaurant so there was actually no need to leave them.  Having said all that it is a very sad situation and her parents have to live with it too.

  6. yeah its still important here

    i think she's still out they somewhere, we mustn't think she's dead until a body is found cos that's what the person who took her wants us to think.

    i mean if a childless couple took her and they think the UK and her family think she's dead the people who took her can bring her up as they own child and we wont Even look !!!

    so we must think she's alive, and we must keep looking for Maddie :) 1 day she will be found and be back with kate and jerry

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