
What do Canadians think about the United States and our citizens?

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Okay I answered a Canadian's question about U.S. citizens thoughts and misconceptions about Canada. So now, tell us what are your misconceptions?




  1. I've spent a lot of time in the States.  For the most part I enjoy visiting, paticularly the warm southern states during our winter months.   Americans are no different than anybody else.  Mainly decent hard working people who just want to have safe, happy and comfortable lives.   What I do not like, particularly over the past 8 years is your government.  America is the richest and most powerful nation on earth and expects (rightly) to have great influence on other parts of the world.  Having influence is one thing, being a bully is quite another.  I think the Bush administration is a 'bully' administration and the world will  be much better off come next January when he goes home to Texas.

  2. I love the US...I don't always agree with your politics, but I also rarely agree with our own politics here.

    As for misconceptions of the States? I don't personally have any, but that's because I'm fairly educated in American geography and some history.

    Also I follow a lot of American news.

  3. as a canadian I like Americans but dont care much for your government they have put your country in such deep dept  that your grandchildren will pay for years to come.I really get pissed off when people in the US knock our health care system without knowing anything about it.

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