
What do Christian parents expect from their public school Science teachers?

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They are not going to tell your children that "god made everything", because as far as Science goes, it's not true. We have theory and a lot of work put into what we perceive to be real. So a mad christian mother should have no right calling a science teacher and saying that they are teaching Atheism. What say you?

Should public school teach Christian things or Atheist things? What I mean by that is that should children be taught by educated individuals that there is a god? or just what we have so far?

What say you?




  1. i believe if something isnt true beyond reasonable doubt its not learning. its imagination, schools are for learning and teaching somone that a big bored  guy in the sky made people from sand and the first woman from the first mans rib isnt fact its a ridiculous imaginary tale. teachers teach fact not imagination

  2. Science should be taught as science with no room for superstitious assumptions.

    Christianity should be taught where it belongs: in mythology.

  3. No1home lives up to his name....

    OK so based on his conspiracy theory hundreds of thousands on scientists in the US and millions around the world  "know the truth" the evolution is false but are bound and determined to deceive the world and lie to keep it as a central foundation of biology because.......?????

    O-KAY ........

    I'm sure all the astronomers in the world are lying about that whole earth revolving around the sun thing too....

    (P.S.-Sorry..I know my answer isn't directly related to the question but idiots like that make my head hurt.)

  4. They expect them not to behave like certain catholic priests have been accused of lol

  5. They should expect a science teacher, not a religion teacher. If they want that, they should go to one of the many privately-owned Christian schools.

  6. public schools should teach only the facts, without implying or conjecturing origins.

    Yeah, let them study cellular biology (to the extent of the grade level, of course), and cellular chemistry, along with the laws that govern the flow of energy from a higher concentration to a lower concentration (usually referred to as the laws of thermodynamics).

    Go ahead and study physics, and even nuclear physics, in fact!  

    I LOVE science.

    I just don't appreciate the blind leaps of faith required to move from demonstrable scientific facts to unprovable theories of the origins of the species.

    After all, Darwin was wrong, but that is never taught!

    He thought that the cell was the smallest part of a living body.  He was wrong!

    He thought that there was such a thing as "undesignated" cells that could be "reformulated" by extreme external stimuli.  Again, he was wrong!

    He used a false premise along with faulty logic, and his conclusion was anything BUT correct!

    Why isn't this being taught in schools?

    And what about all the phony evidence that was planted by over-zealous evolutionists to prove the validity of evolution, only to be shown as fraudulent upon closer investigation?

    Why isn't THIS being taught in schools?

    Why is the piltdown man being taught as one of the links?  Or the java man, or lucy?  All these are fraudulent, and the unscientific methods used to support evolution have all been exposed!

    THIS is science!  Why isn't it taught in public schools?

    Why are only LIES being taught?

    (It really eats my hat that public schools are so one-sided that they would rather teach lies than to admit that we didn't evolve!)

  7. Christian parents expect science teachers to dumb down students by teaching creationism.  Christian parents expect science class to be a mythology class that conforms to the mythology of the bible.

  8. well learning new things never hurt anyone..

  9. Teach evolution as the theory it is, not as a tool to deny God and inform children as to what others might believe. It doesn`t just have to be what Christians think, give children all information so they can weigh for themselves.

  10. Well first off they should know that sending their kid to public school they will be taught evolution. So they shouldn't expect anything other than to teach you incorrect facts. . .

  11. Nobody should be tought anything religious until they are old enough to mount a sophisticated approach to spirituality, and life and society. This means judging everything, thinking before making decisions, ect.

    Kids cannot question things as their minds are developing for the exact purpose of learning EVERYTHING possible in a short time. Ever heard "their minds are like sponges", its true, they are naturally humanly accepting all forms of education, right or wrong as a survival trait embedded into human genes.

    The problem with religion is that its all a perspective, so if the world is shown to you only from ONE angle, the rest if the areas of your life, even unrelated ones will be from ONE angle, making you a very bigoted person.

    Trust me, if you teach your kids to find "8 angles in a triangle", they are going to be a much more open-minded and intelligent person when they are older.

  12. "We have theory and a lot of work put into what we perceive to be real. "

    Yea, and none of it is scientific.

    The Atheist's Boundless Faith in Deo-Atomism ("The Atom-as-God")

    Dialogue With an Atheist on the "Basics": Creation, Freedom, Rebellion, Suffering, Etc.) (vs. Daniel Morgan)

    Science has made progress during the last couple centuries. This troubled many people especially the religious. Some of what they have been taught might not be true because "science proves otherwise." One example is evolution. Christians and Jews have been taught that God created the world in six days and made man from dirt. Then evolution popped up onto the scene. It seems like it contradicts what they have been taught from the beginning.

    Should a person reject evolution because it "contradicts" his faith? Should a person reject the Bible because science has "proven" it to be wrong? Is religion compatible with science? The answer of course, is that religion is compatible with science. One can accept and be faithful to both. Even atheist philosopher Michael Ruse agrees:

    "I see no reason why one should not be a scientist in my sense and also believe in the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation, the belief that the water and wine turn into the body and blood of Christ during the Catholic mass." (Darwinism: Science or Philosophy, Chapter 2)

    How can one accept evolution and still believe in God? The answer is that they answer different questions. Evolution tells us what happens and God tells us how and why it happened. God could have created man through evolution. One does not have to take an extreme literal interpretation of Genesis as St. Augustine suggested (On the Literal Interpretation of Genesis). Only when we confuse philosophy and science do we find a contradiction.

    more at

  13. What I really dont like is that all of the lawsuits have teachers hyper-reacting about things that children *are* allowed to do in public school as far as carrying a bible and prayer.  

    Many seem afraid some kid is going to tell mom and dad that Becky had a bible at school and Mrs Smith didnt make her put it in her locker.

    Otherwise Im a big proponent of church/state sep, I just want the 1st ammendment to be covered fully.

  14. Science is not a principle or tool of atheism.  Science has nothing to say about whether or not there is a God, because God is not directly measurable.  Teaching science is not tantamount to teaching atheism, they are mutually exclusive.

  15. There are plenty of well educated scientist who disagree with evolution!

    Evolution is just as you say being taught by atheists who don't believe in God, you answered your own question. I don't believe in Evolution and I don't believe it should be taught as there is no proof for it yet that don't seem to matter when you have an intellectual Superior telling you things you simply are to ignorant to understand. They depend on gullibility to push this tired old theory.I had my friends 11 year old tell me it was all true, now tell me do you believe he knew all about it? not a chance he-is brain washed, Take a look at the arguments against it and see how flawed it is, you can google any amount on line. Just look and see where the other side is coming from, we looked at your side and rejected it, out of lack of evidence and the chance of probability being zero.Science has never dis proved God, see your brain washed! How about this RED BLOOD CELLs God said i breathed life into you and that life is the Blood. Now look at the 25 trillion in your body moving oxygen around it, they are the only thing in the world that has no Dna. Science proves God. Every time you just are not looking instead you bought a lie and are set in stone convinced your right because some one indoctrinated you while you where young and gullible to believe it. See both sides before you close off to the other.

  16. As a Christian parent, I expect Science teachers to teach my children science.  I will teach my children religion both at home and through our church.  

  17. 12 years Catholic School taught by Nuns and every Science Class covered the Big Bang Theory and evolution.  God as the creator was limited to Religion Class.  So we parents expect public schools to cover the same Science Matter.

  18. Science does not equal atheism

    Public schools should teach accepted scientific theories. christian 'theories' just don't cut it in the science community


    savedbygrace33ad - You've got to be kidding. Creation is just nonsense. It has no right to be taught in our schools.

  19. Science is not atheistic. Science teachers should teach science it’s as simple as that.

    It is not the intent of science to prove or disprove the existence of god(s).

    Edit:  "Since there is no evidence (the thing Science is based on) of God, then Science proves there isn't one"

    I'm sorry but you are incorrect in that assumption. Any real scientist would tell you the same.

  20. it doesnt matter what we board runs things unless you can afford pvt school


    the book says blah blah

    SEE education...........wrong forum

  21. Since I am the one who supports these educators I expect them to give equal time to both sides.

  22. " far as Science goes, it's not true.."

    Who says that???????

    You know, I have lived half my life (all of my life as a Christian) and have never heard of these wild assertions made about Christians & Science until the advent of the Internet.

    There are no "Christian things vis-à-vis Atheist things."

    Each state regulates its lawful curriculum. Every teacher is licensed.

    I admit the curriculum, as I understand it, is slanted toward Darwin, but if it's lawful it's lawful. Most Christians, I believe, don't have a problem with that.

    Edit: "Naturalism is a philosophy." Hmmm.

    "the natural sciences provide a complete account of all that exists--whether human or nonhuman. The new faith says science, not man, is the measure of all things."

    RE-EDIT "Since there is no evidence (the thing Science is based on) of God, then Science proves there isn't one."

    Science does not even attempt to address the question of God. Certain people make some wild assertions, but half of scientists are believers.

    There is no scientific proof or disproof.

    Best regards.

  23. No. God belongs in the church.

  24. Naturalism is a philosophy. It isn't that there is no evidence that God did it, it is that currently science doesn't allow that as an answer. But that doesn't mean it isn't true. Why not just discuss evolution the process? Why do public schools have to push that it is a fact that we "evolved" out of primordial soup? There is no experimental evidence to support that belief. They could completely leave the origin debate out of science classes, and still teach adaptation and natural selection. Then people could discuss how and why we got here in a philosophy class.

  25. I don't expect much from ANY public school teachers. I've been personally involved with the public school system in two states and given the choice, I'd home school my grand-kids. That way they'd have a reasonable student/teacher ratio and the chance to learn at their own pace rather than at the pace of the "average" student. However, two of my grandsons have forms of Autism and desperately need the social interaction of school. So, as I did with my own two children, I will simply continue my grandchildren's education when they are with me. Oh, and education about God absolutely belongs at home and not in the school system.

    Edit - Since there is no evidence (the thing Science is based on) of God, then Science proves there isn't one. --- LOL! I'd love to see you try and get a scientist to back you up with that statement. All the lack of evidence in God proves is that there is no evidence at this point in time for God. Science does not, cannot, and in general will not even try, to "disprove" God. You cannot disprove a negative. Perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to criticize Fireball's education if that comment is an example of yours.

    Edit - Oh, and in case I didn't make it clear, I have a great deal of respect for most school teachers. They work too hard for not nearly enough pay. It's the school system I don't like or respect.

  26. We believe in creation, you believe in evolution at least teach both. If you can't do that teach neither.The three R's will suffice until higher grades then teach it on a voluntary basis.

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