
What do Clovers do to your lawn?

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Every year, a patch of clovers grow in my front yard. It doesn't look all that particularily bad, but my parents think that its weed and immediately start handpicking them out of the soil.

ive heard a bunch of stuff that clovers are actually good for your soil. what do the clovers specifically do? are they bad? good? are they a huge lawn problem?




  1. they are a legume and they affix nitrogen in the soil. Benificial on most accounts. But they spread fast if not tended to. To get rid of it use a weed and feed that has 24-d in it.

  2. Some people are like that.  Actually clover is a significant food source for a lot of bees and small animals who live in our yards.  It's blossoms are full of nectar for the honey bees and the leaves are a good source of nutrition for bunnies and squirrels.  They are not harmful, will withstand harsher weather conditions than most grasses and don't require nearly as much water.

    Personally, I like them but I make sure I don't walk around the yard in my bare feet!

  3. I thought green men planted them every tuesday?

    I guess I'm worng

  4. Clover is in the family Oxalis...or a type of Wood Sorrel.

    They are generally considered a weed and have no real benefit.

    They are somewhat difficult to control, but try a herbicide that is labeled for broad leaf weeds.  A broad leaf weed is basically a weed that is not a grass.  Most of these products will not hurt your grass but will eliminate the clover. Try "Image", sold at Home Depot.

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