
What do Colombian citizens think of FARC?

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I am trying to get different viewpoints from different groups of people about FARC, and Im curious to know how Colombians view the FARC and how it affects them?

I know they dislike them and get bombed, murdered, etc... but I'd like some more elaborate detail. Anything will help so thank you.




  1. most colombians hate them and wish they'd dissapear

    we went in the 80's and 90's through a lot of terror with them and it marked us a lot.

    I personally think most colombians given the choice would make farc just banish.

    there is a very small minority of people most peasants who support las farc because they brainwash them, give them money to support them etc.

  2. Most of Colombia says fark them.

    They are a terrorist org. that kidnaps and murders to finance themselves. What can anyone thing of something like that?

  3. i am colombian , i lived there most of my life

    farc is a terrorist group in fact not even that they are just drug dealers , is no about ideals is about monney and cocane , they dont fight to opossed the goverment , they dont fight to change the country they fight to protect drug plantations , that is really what they do

    they keep in the jungle and amazon repmote parts of the country , where they proctect the cocane fields , they say the have an ideology but really the only thing they do is protect the drug fields

    and yes we wish them gone in jail , or banish , i would prefer jail for them , very long sentence

  4. We hate this terrorist gruop, believe me.

    This is a march against the FARC:

    All Colombia say: NO MAS FARC!!

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