
What do D.T.C BLOCK order mean?

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What do D.T.C BLOCK order mean?




  1. DTC.  Direct Traffic Control.  Think of it as a poor man's CTC, Centralized Traffic Control.

    Block authority, or permission to occupy and use a block, is received from the train dispatcher via direct communication, either by radio or land line.  In CTC, that authority is conferred by controlled signal indication.  Contorlled signals, once called "Absolute" signals differ from ABS, or Automatic Block Signals, in that both govern by signal indication, but controlled signals authorize movement.  Two different things.

    In DTC territory, blocks are identified by name via trackside signs, indicating the end of one block and the beginning of the other.  Where sidings are involved, the signs are arranged in such a way that a train can move into a siding when instructed to do so by the radio communication with the train dispatcher.  Sidings are NOT part of a block, merely an auxialliary to a block.

    When a train is running under DTC authority and approaching a siding where it is to meet another train, it must be communicated via radio one mile in advance of the siding, when operating  in dark (no signals) territory.  This is a safety valve in the event the train to be met has failed to clear the main for some reason, such as mechanical failure or air troubles.

    For me, I have never been comfortable operating in dark territory under any circumstances.  I have always preferred knowing that there was still railroad in front of me, rather than a finding a washout or collapsed bridge at speed.  Scary stuff.

  2. Direct Traffic Control :   is a system for authorizing track usage on some railroads instead of signals. It's called " direct " control because the train dispatcher gives track authority directly to the train crew, instead of using telegraph or telephone.

  3. this means one train has the right of way in a area

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