
What do Dwarf Puffer Fish Eat?

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I got my Dwarf Puffer fish a couple days ago, and he hasn't eaten anything. I dropped some fish flakes in, but it didn't notice them. A few days later, I got some small snails for it to eat, but it didn't eat them either. It just lays low in the corner of the tank. If I put another Dwarf Puffer Fish, or a goldfish in with it, would that help? Please help! Thanks in advance. =D





    The Malabar Puffers or Dwarf Puffers are carnivores. One thing to keep in mind when choosing foods is that this fish is quite small, so its food also needs to be on the smaller side. They are will eat a diet of live and frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and occasionally small snails (about the size of their eyes) to control tooth growth. They will generally reject flake foods.

       Puffers have strong teeth that grow throughout their lives, so are prone to overgrown teeth. Offer hard shelled live food often to keep the teeth worn down. Feeding snails daily will help to wear down the teeth. If the teeth get too long, they will be unable to eat, requiring the owner to clip the teeth.

  2. It's possible he's just settling in still and will resume normal behaviour in a few days when he's comfortable. If you don't have a lot of plants and hiding areas it could be that he's not happy. I've always fed mine brine shrimp and live blood worms, as well as snails for teeth control.

    Putting other puffers in is fine, but not the goldfish.

  3. Dwarf puffers love to eat bloodworms!

  4. Try some frozen blood worms and frozen/live brine shrimp.  That's all mine would eat.  Be sure to thaw it first in a bowl with tank water in it.  Most puffers generallly won't do flake food, sometimes they can be "trained" to eat it, but usually not.

    Definitely don't add a goldfish.  Another puffer....maybe, but depends on your tank size and set up since they can be rather nasty to one another.

  5. Dwarf puffers are aggressive, so only other puffers should be added.  It is normal for a fish to not eat because of stress after a big move.  Make sure your water conditions are good.  Try blood worms.  If you need any more advice, there is a great website for all things dwarf puffer:

    Good luck!

  6. Get some ghost shrimp, 25 of them, they look cool and if you have enough, they can be efficent tank cleaners.

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