
What do GUYS think of FRECKLES and REDHAIR?

by Guest64392  |  earlier

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I have a body full of frecks, and bright red curly hair. Most guys say pass because they make my skin look unclear apparently? My friend told me guys think redhair is tacky, and freckles make you look like a little kid. Im 15 and so confused. I DONT want to look like a little kid?!




  1. I have to disagree with the guys you are talking to.  Red hair is stunningly beautiful and Girls with freckles are HOT! The more freckles a girl has the HOTTER she looks! Freckles are the first asset I look for on a girl before asking her out on a date. A girl without freckles is like a night without stars. Freckles are so HOT that there are even web sites dedicated to women covered in freckles and the guys who love them. Freckles ROCK!

  2. i think red hair and freckles is beautiful, but thats just me.....everyone has their own opinion

  3. It's kinda cute actually... coz asians like me dont have those....

    reminds me of lindsay lohan...

  4. Some guys love freckles & red hair.

    When you're 15 though & in HS, then people have the tendency to follow the leader & say & act like they think other people want them to act, instead of being themselves.

    Do things to embrace that part of you & make it beautiful.

    Don't hide it or be ashamed of it at all.

    You will def see a few guys react in a positive way, if you're not insecure about it, then it will be what makes you stand out & will attract the kind of guy to you that you want.

    Redheads w/ freckles are beautiful.. Well i think so.

    So does my girlfriend.

    She is one :-)

  5. I don't know, I have red hair and freckles.But guys say it's cute to me. Butt i have really long hair to my butt.So i don't know.

  6. my personal opinion i think having freckles is a turn on

    i like girls with freckles it gives them a innocent look

    im sure u look great with them i would love to see it for myself

    and for those guys that pass all they want is perfection which there never going to get dont let guys opinions bring u down

    theres nothing wrong about looking like a little kid you should be happy the way you were made there are other people out there

    with disabilities so u should be happy with what u got :]

  7. Idunno, all the guys around here would just be screaming "Ginger!"

    They don't find it that attravtive I suppose?

    I like red hair though

  8. Well, I am a girl but when I see a girl with red hair and freckles I think they look really pretty! Just be confident in you looks and have a fun attitude and you will be able to pull off any look!

    Good luck! :]

  9. idk but if you really care what guys think

    get a tan

    or change the color

    of your hair with a rinse

    you can do anything about freckles

    or just embrace who you are

    & your only 15 so you have time to worry

    about these things

  10. ranga

    yeah i think of summer heights high

  11. Some guys like gingers, I'm sure you'll find someone.

    There is someone out there for everyone.

    I'm not hating on redheads with freckles when i say 'gingers'

    One of my best friends has red hair and freckles.

    She's still a babe.

  12. a

    little kidd?

    no wayy!

    anyway, why would

    it matter at all? you

    weren't put on this earth to impress them!



    if they don't like

    you for your personality, then they aren't

    worth your time.

    one day

    you'll meet a guy

    who loves you for you &&

    wouldn't change a thing.

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