
What do Geminis aim for??

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Do Geminis, particularly men, have any long term plans? To me they seem to drift along and use that gift of gab famously just to pass the time LOL

Correct me if I am wrong. What do they live for?




  1. Gemini men live for themselves. Whoever happens to be there to put up with it is a bonus. And, you're right, they do sort of drift and hope they land on their feet.

  2. I am a Gem and I aim for whatever!

    I am actually more in tune with what I am NOT aiming for than what I am.

  3. You need to look at more than just the sun sign to determine what any sign aims and lives for.  Geminis happen to talk a lot, have plenty of information at their fingertips, like gadgets, like activity, etc. etc., but what they live for is more than how they get there.

  4. Well to be frank the gemini's i know are very different and although they share three bold attributes which is they love entertainment, money-making and knowledge. There aims are very much different though.

    In regards to aims and future ambitions, realistically you may have to examine other aspects of the charts like the different houses and signs that are in the often this indicates our own unique ways and how they perceive life.

    Five examples of gemini's i really interacted with:

    - My beloved:

    He currently is at university and his aim is to finishing of his degree in which he hopes to become a computer engineer. Also he aims to settle down, have a mellow family life and a number of children he can also pass on his upbringing, knowledge and experience too. But currently as we speak, he is in a phase in his life whereas i still think he is growing, still feels he has a lot to know and establish before really feeling he can settle down.

    I have learnt during this period i can only provide my understanding, support and care when he is going through this journey in which he wants me to be there.

    - My old friend:

    He was still expanding in knowledge, and his aim was to expand and get a higher position in the law industry. But when i was interacting with him he still seemed like he was very much into gaining as much fun and experience before finally coming to what was his scare factor age 30. This year i think was the year he was doing soul searching as he very much was in search of that lady who he was willing to settle down, the person who understood his needs and he could feed his wisdom, knowledge and experience too.

    - My cousin:

    Still young and feels she got so much to much fun, it is almost like a big arena whereas she has only covered a quarter of mile to feeling she has established, grown and really felt pleased with where she is at. She still seems to be wondering in the "i don't know zone" of what she actually wants to achieve and do in life. But when it comes to her dreams and education, she thrives on those who can benefit her mind intellectually...she can learn and understand. Also someone who can wider her experience and has a willingness to join her on her travels to new ventures and places.

    - My older friend

    He is a man who still feels he has not accomplished as much as he had want to do because he had obstacles growing up in terms of accessing/ completing education. But he is extremely intelligent and has a lot of knowledge who still manifests from learning from media, books he engages in reading, having a debate and talking to people of different paths. Also he loves to have and share new experiences with people who are willing to show him the new that is out there and expose him to those he can learn beneficial things he can aim for the better in achieving something out of his life.

    - My bestfriend msn pal (as we call each other -lol)

    Well he is very intelligent...but he is someone who loves to engage in talks and interact with someone who sets foundations in their life. Someone who knows where they were, knows where they are going and the steps they are going to take to get there. He likes people who are determined and ambitious. His aim in life is more or so to meet someone who can understand, respect and enjoy his nature which he knows it is hard for many to understand. But said he feels i understand him best. Also still he is very focused and needs someone who will support him on his journey throughout his progression through his studies to working his way up on the job ladder. He is very interested in bettering himself and also getting a job that earns him well to have a fulfilled and wealthy life.

    So i hope these descriptions of some of those gemini's i interact with has given you an idea roughly of what they kind of are about. Though you must remember you have to look at other aspects in the natal chart to get an overview of the person...even better why not just examine, ask and through observation learn what they are about, what they strive for and yearn to fulfill in life.

    Hope this helps. ;-)

    Sag (Sun)

    Leo (Moon)

    Aries (Midheaven)

  5. both my parents are geminis (and I am too) and they got married later on in life! My mom and dad partied a lot but now they both live for their families and because they are so playful and young at heart my dad (who is now 47) can keep up with his 1 year old and two year old sons! And my mom is able to manage my step dads office and she partakes in so many clubs! so in my opinion Geminis turn out to be really productive adults...... it just may take them some more time!  THEY BOTH LIVE FOR FAMILY!

  6. My ex-husband is a Gemini, and he had our lives planned out so far that he even "knew" when he was going to die. It was crazy, he was crazy, and these are just some of the reasons why he's the ex.

    I am also a Gemini and I'm definitely the fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants version. Perhaps that's why it didn't work out.  

  7. we live to please our women!!  

    And we do it well.

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