
What do Global Warming and a hockey stick have in common?

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Well I bet Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick of Toronto, Canada could tell you. I thought it was possible that the Earth could be warming but who is to say this isn't just a cycle? According to several articles one being "Global Warming Bombshell" explained that the the math equation used to figue out data (any data) will supress some data so that the graph shape will turn out to be the shape of a hockey stick. The author of the article mentioned above states that Global Warming debate needs to be reopened. Or as I suspect the two scientists from Canada just closed the debate on Global Warming. What do others think?




  1. The hockey stick is the shape of the graph that Al Gore used in his video an Inconvenient Truth.

  2. The use of either to seperate people from their hard-earned money is robbery.

  3. Simple, how can one say this warming is unnatural when in the past we had natural cylces?  Since they could not explain the past natural cycles, they had to get rid of them.

    For a more detailed analysis on the scientific and political implications of the hockey stick:

  4. I never knew the debate was closed in the first place.

  5. You all should really read "An inconvienant Truth" by Al Gore.

  6. What debate?  They've always said, right from day one, that the debate is over!  There can be no debate.  It was never open for discussion to begin with.  I'm sure that everyone has heard this at least once.

    But the answer to your question is: they're both used to score points.  Political points and sports points.  Let's hope the political ones don't lead to a win.

  7. Nothing.

    The "hockey stick" graph was examined by the National Academy of Sciences.  They criticized the statistical methods, but said the basic conclusion was correct.

    Since then it's been redone with better statistics.  It isn't as pretty, but it says the same thing.

    "who is to say this isn't just a cycle?"

    These guys:

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.  EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  

    By the way, that article is 4 years old.  It didn't close anything.

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