
What do High School girls wear?

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Im going into high school this year, im not that popular, what kind of clothes should i wear and do girls wear abercrombie and hollister in high school? WHats a good first day of school outfit?

Please help me :)




  1. (sigh)

    ahh jeez, you never should wear clothes that you dont like.

    nobody cares REALLY about the clothes you wear. if you  go to highschool wearing HCO or ABERCROMBIE that doesnt mean girls will just come up to you and want to be your friend. what type of clothes do you like? PERSONALLy i hate hollister and abercrombie, i love buiyahkah and wet seal. you can really personalize your style their. and ross is a good place.

    its not about what you wear, its about your attitude to things. you just need to relinquish the good personality that most people have.

    but anywho, i suggest, a pretty white skirt, and a baby blue shirt.  

  2. I'm going into 10th grade and I relized that brands really don't matter.  I used to wear Abercrombie and Hollister, but now I don't give a c**p.  I just wear what I think is cute.  I don't care if it's from target or whatever.  My favorite store is Forever 21.

  3. Okay,

    TNA, is very, very popular.

    Guess is also very popular although quite pricey , i dont know if thats an issue for you?

    Abercrombie, also very popular.

    Same goes for hollister.

    Other good stores:

    Garage, Off The Wall, Bootlegger, Below The Belt, Sirens,

    For pants girls only wear like either Dance Pants [black mainly, or sometimes grey or navy] that are like lululemon or OTfitwear, etc. just dont get them from walmart..

    OR they wear jeans, but make sure you find cute ones that are tight and fit nice in the thighs and butt. (:

    or you could wear a skirt, with or without leggings.

    For shirts you awnt some lowcuts, but not all and not too S****y..

    If they're too low , wear a shirt underneath..

    Most girls wear thongs or gstrings, cause otherwise you can see a nasty 'underwear line' through the girls pants, and thats considered un-cool..

    Shoes should be like a cute pair of flats,  or some DCs or Puma's, etc.. cute flats for sure & another pair.....

    No-no's are Roots, Gap, etc.

    Anyway I really hope this helped, and best of luck !

    just be CONFIDENT

    thats the # 1 rule..

    [trust me i know that can be hard]

  4. I rember going into high one really cares what you wear, but you think they do. Try getting things that are simple and comfortable. Stay away from things that are to expensive, it will look like you are trying to hard. all in all, in a couple of weeks, no one will care. Ecpecilly if your a freshman.

  5. from elementary, to middle school, to high school, and later to college one big thing changes: variety.

    whather that's variety of classes, variety of clubs or activies, or even seeing ethnic or gender variety all of campus...with clothes it's the same.

    high school is time to find out your style and what you like, not what others wear.

    whether you like punk straight jeans and band shirts, A-like skirts with cardigan jackets, 80s style huge sweaters and belts, button down pea coats with pennyloafers, or just anything you find comfortable and you like to wear a dress one day and sweats and a jacket on another...

    wear what you like. if you like hollister and abercrombie, go for it. just know that you'll look around school and see so many colors and outfits and combinations. from collars to sunglasses...just do whatever you like and you'll be fine.  

  6. Wear what you LIKE BEST.

    not what others dress.

    that will just make you look more weird.

    BE YOU!

    you dont need to impress others

    but yourself. you will look pretty

    no matter what you wear.

    i already know ;)

  7. whoa thats weird i know this girl named leah and were both going into highschool. anyway be yourself! Im considered goth and there arent that many goths at my new school. Just buy what YOU like. Even if a friend is like "Omg i love this top! You should buy it!" if you dont like it dont buy it.

  8. dont beleive the guy who says "honestly nobody will care"

    Because in high school.


    Where Some Skinny Jeans, any color

    and a SICK band tee

  9. everybody wears abrecrombie and hollister and american eagle in high school , so change that !!!

    make people notice you , dont wear what others usually wear . opt a casual look , more like your going to an office . dress nice

    make people turn heads and look at you and compliment you , dress more like an adult , even teachers are going to notice you ..

    Good luck  

  10. i wear a lot of abercrombie and hollister but that is me u have to find ur own style if u try to be like everyone else u wont be any more popular i also wear a lot of forever 21 i love their shirts  

  11. girl choose what YOU wanna wear not what HIGH SCHOOL girls wana wear :)

    and i mean anything is good

    it all depends on your style and what you liek :)

    how about maybe trying a denim skirt or jeans or denim shorts and a tank or teeshirt :)

    good luck in high school :))

  12. i actually just got out of high school, and i always used to try to fit in by wearing abercrombie, hollister....and im in college now and 1 abercrombie shirt would be like my whole months savings!!! so that stopped real quickly.

    the name brand does NOT MATTER!!!! it doesnt matter wear you get a shirt or pants, you can find some VERY VERY cute things in like a JCPenney or a Kohls, even target has some cute things!! I get compliments all the tim enow because im dressing in MY style, im not following the trend. Heck, today i got a shirt with Dr. Suess on it that says "its fun to have fun" Is that stylish???? no, its not! but i love it.

    If you love it...and flaunt it, thats when you get compliments. Its not name brand clothing....i wish i would have seen that when i was in high school and i wish more girls could see that now.  

  13. Don't Abercrombie just because someone else does. If you go out looking to be cool, no one will think you are. The secret to having friends in high school is just being yourself. Find an outfit that really states who you are as a person. Good luck on the first day.

  14. it doesn't matter. everyone in high school dresses differently. alot of people do wear hollister/abercrombie/american eagle but its no biggie if you don't. most people dont have the money to shop there anyway. wear what you want, nobodys gonna care, as long as you look presentable :)  

  15. Ok, i know this may sound weird now, but belive me it'll make sense later. These days you will most likely find the majority of high school chicks dressing in a S****y way. But most girls it seems are wearing long shirts and leggings...jeans will never go out of style. Flip flops, vans are pretty common.

    also, who cares if girls wear abercrombie or hollister ? Don't think about what other girls wear. Try to examine your style of clothing...what kinds of clothes to do you like? colors? accesories are also a nice way to make an outfit look good. neckclaces, earrings, bracelets.

    What I'm trying to get across is don't feel like you need to prove something to the ppl in high school, or dress like other girls to be popular. In my opinion, popularity isn't important.

    a first day of school outfit: short, a cute top with a waist belt and flip flops.. that should do the trick.

  16. im in high school and i was kinda worried about what to wear too...but girls at my school wear abercrombie and hollister...but also alot of them try and wear unique things that are kinda trendy and cute but not like everyone else..if you know what i mean...but you should just wear what you like and are comfortable in and something that you know you look good in..just be happy and confident im sure it will all work out ;)

  17. okay well.. what everyone wore in your grade 8 class.. its basically all the same! i found not much changed.. just jeans and a nice shirt.. i find later on like grade 11 and 12 you start to go a bit dressier.. but wearing what everyone else wears can be boring! do your own thing! thats my advice, just wear what you like!

  18. Depends... If your super s**y like ******* gorgoues don't wear anything :D. If your fat dont were skimpy clothes. If your average were like ******* cool clothes not loser clothes were like jeans and volcom c**p everyone likes a volcom girl

  19. jeans



    cute shirts



    nobody in high school cares what you wear

    everyone is different

    yes, they wear name brand but that isn't a big deal

    good first day of school outfit: cute semi-dressy shirt with jeans (thats what most wear at my school)

    p.s. GOOD LUCK! :) and you will be fine. just relax

  20. there is no such thing as popularity in high school honestly. people just love you for who you are (some not like the guys...WATCH OUT FOR GUYS WHO ARE IN OLDER GRADES FRESHMEN GIRLS ARE FRESH MEAT FOR THEM TO GET INTO UR PANTS!!!) anyways first day of school I wore a regular shirt that was striped and pants and of course my Dodge sweatshirt lol its cold out here!

  21. ughh no! that just shows your tryin g wayyy too hard and can't think for yourself you have to follow the basic boring expensive style because your scared to take a risk

    i used to be like that in a way. whatever you think is cute who cares what the "popular" kids think-honestly for my experience those are the people u want to stay away from all drama, back stabbing and drugs

    if you dress with straight legged/skinny jeans, graphic tee maybe some flats or flip flops and stylish acessories you'll get noticed. and SOMEONE will appreciate it and like u.

  22. I think middle school kids care way more about clothes than high schoolers.


    Some girls shop at abercrombie and hollister, yeah, but that's mostly just the fake ones no one likes.

    Try forever 21, H&M, Urban Outfitters.

    People will really like you if you have a good personality, and are really outgoing, so just try and act confident even if you aren't. And yeah, maybe some kids will judge you by what you're wearing, but if you don't have a good personality, they won't wanna talk to you/be your friend.


  23. I would wear your favorite outfit, one that makes you feel comfortable and confident. But trust me, no one is going to notice what your wearing on the first day because everyone is so preoccupied with other things.  

  24. brand names don't really matter in high school, I mean yeah they're nice to have. The only reason you should wear like hollister etc. is if you like the fit of it on you. But mainly wear an outfit that you feel confident in and you feel like you look great. Honestly I buy tank tops at like Kohls and they fit much better than  ones at AE. Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes - it's up to you. I'll bet you'll do just fine.

    PS- outfits only compliment good personalites, they don't really make or break a person.

  25. This is my Second Year at High School.

    Last year I thought the same as you. I went out and bought hollister and all of that. But the truth is that doesn't matter. Shop were ever you like to shop. But yes I would say most of people now wear hollister and abercrombie. Here's a safe outfit for back to school from there. and Pacsun

  26. Hello,I would tell you prank that here in America,nobody cares what you do or what you wear as long as you got something to show or you got talent.Thats what I have learned from this great country.

  27. at my school, yes. but does it really matter? they dont judge you differently for getting your clothes at different stores... just be yourself. and trust me, being popular isn't all that great. its pretty much fake and a waste of time (no offense)... trust me i've been there. it'd much better to have friend who like you for who you are, not what you wear and how you look.

    peace! (hope this helps) :D

  28. girls nowadays dress like s***s (mini skirts, dolly shoes, bare legs, fitted shirts, hair down) and plaster makeup on like there going out on the pull. by all means dress like this but you we be downgrading yourself. dress to how you see most sensible.... Good Luck        

  29. I'm a Junior in high school, and I wear what I like.

    People usually don't care, and if they do they're not true friends.

    The best you can do is wear what you feel comfortable wearing.

    Not what others wear. I was always asked, "If someone jumped off a bridge, would you??" Don't try to look like all the others, be yourself.

  30. brands don't matter so much in high school. yes, there are some that wear hollister and abercrombie, etc, but it doesn't make them any more special. wear what you want, everyone has individual style. forever 21, H&M has some really great clothes. they have so many different things in those stores, you will find something that works well for you! :)

  31. at my school there is so many styles, but typically i wear hollister, alot of people at my school wear hollister and abercrombie but there is so many styles, try out a few different ones that stand out and you have always thought you would never pull off, maybe it turns out you can, and it will get you noticed, plus have fun with your outfits, dont follow everyone else, be yourself =)

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