
What do Hillary supporters think about Obama not thinking she's good enough to be VP.....?

by Guest63472  |  earlier

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What do Hillary supporters think about Obama not thinking she's good enough to be VP.....?




  1. I voted for Hillary in the primaries. Opama is too extreme left for even most of us Hillary supporters.  He didn't even choose someone centrist for a VP nomination.  McCain is much closer to Hillary's views even though she says she will vote for Opama I wonder if she may still change her support to McCain.

  2. Some of the Hillary supporters are still mad she didn't get in. I don't know why they keep saying she won the vote of the people because she didn't. Her campaign includes FL and MI and discounts the caucuses states to get this magical number.

    The fact she got 13 million+ to vote for her is a big deal, but I think the bigger story was how the h**l did Obama beat her she was so far ahead in the polls.

  3. They, like the rest of us "thinking Americans" know that BHO is a racist political hack.....So much more needs to be said...

  4. That bump in the road was Obama's bus running over Hillary and Bill on the way to Denver, of course now that Obama has dumped Hillary, and chosen Joe Biden, McCain is a shoe in, as even Biden challenged Barak's qualifications

  5. I'm no Obama supporter but she is certainly not good enough to be VP. Her supporters can think what they like, it isn't going to have a profound effect on Obama.  

  6. Simple, I am voting for McCain, no way would I ever vote for Obama!

  7. I think he made a grave mistake.  I mean Biden is cool, but I fear that McCain might win the election because Obama doesn't have that competitive edge...  Hilary would have given him that edge.  So sadly....I think McCain will win the election.... =(  

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