
What do Hindu's believe as spirituality? and What do jewish people believe is spirituality?

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What do Hindu's believe as spirituality? and What do jewish people believe is spirituality?




  1. Judaism is concerned with trying to 'repair the world' or as we say in Hebrew, 'tikkun olam'. We believe that it is entirely possible to draw closer to G-d by behaving ethically and by trying our best to uphold his laws, as conveyed by G-d to the Israelites when he gave them the Torah at Mount Sinai.

    Judaism is a very pragmatic faith; we focus on this life, and on making it moral, meaningful and yes, enjoyable where possible! So you don't tend to find Jews fretting about the afterlife or anything like that.

    If it's the more mystical side to Judaism you are interested in, then I think it's probably Kabbalah you are asking about. This is NOT what Madonna etc study. Proper Kabbalah involves studying the Torah in a particular way and doesn't make sense to anyone not well versed in Judaism. I personally don't know any Jews who study Kabbalah but I recommend a book called Kabbalah For Dummies by Arthur Kurzweil. He also wrote Torah For Dummies; get them both, read the Torah book first as it will help to explain the other book.

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