
What do I about this shopkeeper?

by  |  earlier

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A few days ago I went into a shop I asked for a n alan key and a to adjust my bike the guy in the shop offered it to me and i be accident told him i couldnt accept it and it and was quite happy to pay back today and the old guy in the shop was there he then said yes I remember you returned it and didnt wnat it and then he said that i slammed it on the counter and left if i did that agin he wont serve me gainb i lfeel alittle upset about it so I palogised and told iy was misundertandingfor it and with that i left the shop but my husband told me that it was perfectly ok for him to give it for free as he has loads of them i went . ?




  1. Don't you ever pause from breath?

  2. Ask the shopkeeper if he knows somewhere where you can get English lessons.

  3. Wow, to both the question and to the many answerers.  To a lot of the answerers, I think you guys need to lighten up.  I am also not sure as to why this person has posted this "question" in this section, but she did and she's asking for some advice.  I don't think we need to be mean.  Although, I admit, my brain does hurt and I'm having to reach for beer.   Wow.  To the question, what do you want to do?  And why?  You apologized, do you now what him to apologize to you?  Seems to me, there's nothing to do because nothing happened.  If I have a problem with a store, my solution is simple, I take my business elsewhere.  Do nothing, its over.  Take your business elsewhere.  You're stewing over something the other guy's already forgotten about.  Lighten up and have a beer, afterall, this section is about booze, isn't it?

  4. Brain freeze brain freeze....ouch!!!!....sorry what was the question?? can you start again from alan plz?

  5. Can't understand a word! "i be accident"?  "iy was misundertanding for"

    ?  What..?????

  6. I think you need to repost this

    a) in another section, as this doesn't have anything to do with beer/wine/spirits unless you were under the influence when you wrote this, and

    b) only AFTER proofreading it, fixing the spelling mistakes, and adding some punctuation - you know, like ending a sentence every once in a while?

  7. I can't make heads or tails out of this...there is no correct spelling,no punctuation and no sentence structure and this does not make sense!  You can at least use spell check!

  8. i dont get it? what is it your asking?

  9. Has it occurred to any of the people who answered this question that the asker is new to this country, doesn't write english well, isn't sure of the culture!!! For whatever reason they may be in Britain cut them some slack! By the grace of god we all walk!!! Do you all comprehend that?

  10. Okay I think what your saying is a shopkeeper gave you something for free and you felt awkward about it...

    Well don't...and is English your first language?

  11. You're too sensitive, and you need to learn how to end sentences.

    That has got to be the longest, run-on statement I've read here ever.

  12. Would you - between breaths - be kind enough

    1: To tell us what you're on about, and then

    2: Tell us what this has to do with Beers, Wines OR Spirits

  13. Ive read this question 3 times and i still dont know what the heck youre asking!!!

  14. So what exactly is the question? Is it the free alan key? Or the accusation? If it the key, ya bike shops have loads of em, they get one free with every bike. If its the accusation... ignore it.

  15. cut him

  16. The question was: what do I do about this shopkeeper?

    The answer is: thank him for his kindness and then do him a favour - shop somewhere else.

    Oh, and generally - grow up

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