
What do I call my wife's family after my wife passes away?

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What do I call my wife's family after my wife passes away?




  1. I would say you still address them as you always have.  They are still your family.  Though this is not something you need to concern yourself with now, but if you should ever marry again, then you might want to call them your late wife's parents.  If you are close to them, they will always be your family in your heart.

  2. In Laws

  3. they are still your in-laws

  4. In order to answer this one its best to know if you were/are close to the in-laws.

    you should continue to call them what you have all along..

    if you are not very close call them mr and mrs so and so...

    if you are close then mom and dad (what ever their last name is)

    or better yet just ask them what they are comfortable with being called.

  5. The same thing you have always called them. You did not get a divorce and they are not ex's.  They are in-law family. So, call Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Neice and Newpew just that. Unless anyone objects.

  6. Why call them at all???  

  7. they are still your in-laws.  if you guys ar eon good terms, they are still your family.

  8. "My late wife's family"

    "My late wife's mom"

    or better, use her name

    "Beverly's mom"

    When you address them, call them whatever you did before she died.

  9.    I am sorry to hear that you may loose your wife  ,   your inlaws will always think of you as her husband  ....  Would not the decent man in you think of them in the same light.... a good man would always think of them as family because you will share the same deep loss along with many other reasons you don't need me to explain , do you !.....

  10. Strangers

  11. they are still your in laws , you call them what you usually call them

  12. They are still your family.

    You will need each other now more than ever.

    If you ever find someone else things may change.....but for now they are still your in-laws.

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