
What do I call the other sister in the wedding?

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I know that seems weird, but see I have my FHs sister as my Maid of Honor and then his other sister is going to help our kids down the isle! So is she my bridesmaid? or a Jr. Bridesmaid? I mean our wedding party is like this Maid of Honor, Best Man, flower girl, ring bear, and then? I dont know what to call her. I am making t-shirts for the wedding party and I dont know what to put on hers!




  1. bridesmaid: a woman who attends the bride at a wedding

    She's helping you out with the kids. Call her a bridesmaid, otherwise she'll just feel left out.  

  2. Is she going to stand with you when the vows are said?  I don't think there is a title for that unless she stands with you and becomes a Brides Maid.  But then you will need another guy to round things off.  If she returns to a seat in the front row then there is no title.  

  3. I would just use bridesmaid... U dont want her to feel left out of having an official name on her tee shirt.

  4. Personally our wedding t-shirts say "team bride" and "team groom" I wouldn't call her a jr bridesmaid unless she is early in her teens or tweens. If she is late teens or an adult and she is getting a bridesmaids dress i would call her a bridesmaid.

  5. You said she's helping your kids down the aisle... will she stand up with you guys at the altar? Or take a seat in the front row once the kids are where they need to be?

    If she sits down... she's not gonna have a specific title. If she stands up with you, she'd be a bridesmaid. DON'T CALL HER A JUNIOR BRIDESMAID!!! (Did almost this exact same scenario at my wedding last month, and boy... was she pissed!)

    Junior bridesmaids are titles reserved for girls who stand with you under the typical teenage years.

    Yeah, so I'm in the doghouse with my sister in law... not a good way to start a marriage. Call her a bridesmaid.  

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