
What do I do, my bearded dragon isnt eating.

by Guest59263  |  earlier

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What do I do, my bearded dragon isnt eating.




  1. This depends on lots of factors.  What are your basking temps?  What are temps measured with?  How close and how new is your UVB reptile bulb?  What substrate is he on?  What is your normal diet and supplements used?  If you could answer these I could give you a more detailed answer.  See this site for complete care:

  2. First you need to give more detail, however my bearded dragons tend to slow down there eating habits around the time winter comes. Its normal. You need to make sure all three lights are on during the day, reptiles get there energy from these. Be sure to try and change out their food occasionally, if I give my dragons the same thing everyday they tend to get tired of it, like we do. Do you feed him/her veggies? You should try that because my bearded dragons seem to love those more then crickets. Experiment with different foods, just don’t give them Iceberg lettuce as it will kill them. Also check his/her stool (Gross I know.) because he/she could have a parasite that’s downs on their hunger. If you see something unusual (Like worms) take him/her to the vet immediately. Be sure to also keep their cage clean, like cleaning the food/water dish to be sure they stay healthy. Also be careful on what substrate you use, if you use sand the little dragons can swallow it and it become impacted which can also kill them. Ask your vet or reptile specialist to decide on what substrate would be best for your dragon. If he/she continues to not eat take her to a vet or seek professional help because it could be a warning sign.  

  3. When was the last time it ate? What has it been eating? How old is it?  

  4. tempt him with some warm pinkie mice.

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