
What do I do? Could it be that I am not doing the right thing? I need some suggestions.

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I have been praying to Jesus of Nazareth for a job and I have cried and done so much because I have been going through plenty and now I am growing frustrated and impatient what do I do?




  1. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer, so continue doing that - at the same time continue to look for a job.  Never give up your responsibility and God will not give up His part.  He will answer the prayer, but you must do your part as well.  

  2. Pray that u can hit the pavement to find a job, it wont fall like Mana from Heaven

  3. I would say, keep praying that God will guide you to the right job. But also keep looking through the classified's and online. Maybe tell all of your friends and family to pass the word that you are looking for work. What are your skills? What is getting in your way of working? Child care. Do you need to work certain hours and can't find a job that fits? Are you a High School Graduate. Most places insist that you at least finish High School. Try a temporary service. You can check out jobs in different areas and see what fits you. I think they even help with your resume. I'm not positive on that. But good luck. Good jobs are hard to find.

  4. I just love how people, like you, leave things up to God.  The way I see it, when you do something like that it absolves you of all responsibility.  God, in my book, is not going to "give" you anything.  He simply puts us on a path and lets us walk it.  We can turn to the left or right at anytime.  There is what He wants for us, His plan for us but, He is not going to do it for us.  Get off your lazy behind and go get a job.  Time to grow up.  

  5. prayer is the first step. next is the foot work thats your part.  Jesus will do the rest when the time is right.  my husband was out of work for 9 months.  we have a 10 month old baby and he just started back but it was the right job. but he had to be out there putting out resume's and applications where he 'wanted' a job, then where he thought he could get a job, then last but not least those places you dont want to but anyone can work, fast food......gas station  but if you dont do those things no one will call you and say "hello XYZ i would like to see if you want to work for me I found your number in the phone book"  that wont happen.  good luck, i hope you get a job soon!!!  

  6. Okay, if you need employment, instead of praying, why not look in the employment pages of the paper?

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