
What do I do? I don't understand her.

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My cousin and I have a horrible relationship and I'm not sure why. She acts friendly and nice to my face and then goes behind my back to talk about me to my own brother. She constantly compares herself to me and calls me fat, even though I'm quite slender, and boasts that her butt is bigger than mine. When I think we're getting along, it turns out we're actually not. She can be so nice and sweet and fun to be around, but then I come to find out she was just faking it. The last summer I spent with her, which was about 4 years ago, we had so many fights because she just didn't like me for some reason. She's 2 years younger than me and always follows me around and even wears the same exact clothes I wear some days. She also introduces me as her sister to her friends, but she treats me so badly. One time, she and her friends made fun of me and talked about me when we went to the beach because I didn't know any Jamaican music (we're Jamaicans). I don't know what's wrong with her. I want to just froget her because I'm 17 now and I don't have time for her little games, but my family keeps pushing me to maintain a relationship with her and blames me sometimes for our issues. I don't trust her and I don't like her. I think she's jealous of me and she uses her insecurities as fuel to try and bring me down. I also think she's insane. What do you think about her? What should I do?




  1. Tell your parents the truth that she's a 2 faced liar and you are not going to hang out with her anymore. And keep telling them till they get it. Stay away from her

  2. just be the better person your obviously older than her...she may be jealous of you...but i think the best thing is to let her know how angry you get if you did that already just ignore her and dont communicate with her...let her see what she has done wrong...if she has sense she will come around and try to talk to you and hopefully apologize  

  3. sounds like she's immature and a bit jealous.  maybe just look at her [in your mind] as a little kid.  be the bigger person and let it slide.  just smile and listen and walk away smiling.  always be yourself cuz the people that matter, don't mind - and the ones that mind, don't matter.

  4. I don't think she's a very nice person.I think it's best for you to keep her at a distance.You don't have to bother about what people say about you as long as you know you're innocent of those accusations.

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