
What do I do?? I feel terrible... if there are any vets on here plz answer!?

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My dog just had a seizure... it all started like 2 years ago when he had this huge episode... after that the vet got him all fixed up and it was like 2 years till the next one... witch was like 4 months ago... till then we had him on this vitamin. 4 months ago he had another one and we took him to the vet and he was just like there is nothin u can do and then like 2 weeks later he had another one and then that kept happening and like 2 months ago we had had enough because it was so sad so we put him on this highly addictive pill that is supposed to control them and it had being doing good. no siezures in two months then bam two happened tonight... its so horrible to watch I feel so bad and me and my mom just dnt no wat to do... the vet said he shouldnt have more than like 3 in a year now but with two already done idk wat to do. do u think we should put him to sleep... my mom said if thats wat I want then she willd oit but its not wat I want I just want him to be happy... its killing me... i just dnt no wat to do... wat shoudl I do??





  1. I work at a vet clinic.

    Having seizures is actually a very common problem in dogs.  I am assuming that your dog is currently on phenolbarbital tablets.  PBB tablets help to control the seizures, but they can still have less severe seizures.

    When your dog has a seizure - DON'T panic.  Your job is to stay calm, pet the dog, talk to him, help him to relax.  It's also good if you can time the seizure to see how long it is.  Then, mark your calander and keep track of how often he's having them.

    Next, most dogs can live just fine (even untreated) with seizures.  Typically there isn't any need to put the dog to sleep.  When the dog starts having grand mal seizures which typically last 10+ minutes is when we get concerned about brain damage, etc.

    Seizures cause death when the dog eventually enter into a seizure and then don't come back out of the seizure.  I have seen dogs seizure for several days at my clinic.

    If your dog is having a normal quality of life - by all means, just do your best to regulate him.  It would be good to bring him in and have the levels of his blood checked to make sure that he is in the therapeutic range still - sometimes they can fall out of teh therapeutic range for PBB and then their pills become inactive and they begin to seizure.

    Talk to your vet and see what all of your options are.  Don't give up yet - but if his quality of life isn't good and he gets "stuck" in a seizure, then by all means it will be time to say goodbye.

    I know seizures are scary, but do your best to stay calm inorder to help your dog.  I wish you and your dog the best...

  2. I am a vet, so I will do my best to help you.

    I know how you feel-my old cat had a problem like them. Always try to keep her calm and relaxed, and give her senior dog food so she will have more protection against illnesses like this. When you are changing her diet, do it very slowly, so add a few pieces one day, the a couple more the next etc. If she continues to have seizures a year after she is completely used to that food, put her to sleep so she won' t suffer.  

  3. i would take him to the vet again nd if there was nothing they could do i would keep him unless he had another seizure then i would put him 2 sleep

  4. the hardest thing for a pet owner to do is not putting their dog down. what is even harder is coming to the realization that the dog would be happier not having the seizures. You have to know when enough is enough and just do it. I know how hard it is. I have had to put 4 dogs down in the last 5 years. They are all rescue dogs. I take them in to give them a happy last few months or so. I do get attached and cry everytime i have to do it. but my selfishness is less important than their happiness. Do your dog a favor. cut him lose. Best wishes and I am sorry for your loss

  5. Take him to a different vet and see if they can find a better way to take care of him. Other than that I don't know what to do. I hope you can make him better.

  6. you should at least let the poor animal live!

  7. DONT put Him  to sleep . I have a  forever foster dog thats has had grande Mal seizures and i just wrap him in a blanket and hold him and be calm or try . Yes its so very sad I cry the whole time but i am  just there for him . he has had 3 in a year . not sure the causes and since he don't have more we don't medicate him . try to figure out if some thing is causing them . like with mine i think its front line topical or the spray .

    Just be there for him and love him , i know its hard but he needs you .

  8. This may sound lame but I have a cat that this happens to and it has been happening for a few years now he has meds and all but it still happens every once in a while. Please don't put him to sleep. He can still live and he is not suffering from having them they look a lot worse than they are. God will take him when he is ready. Just make sure he does not get to hot and stays hydrated.  comfort him when he has the siezures. but please don't put him down.

    Best hopes to the both of you

  9. you need to go back to the Vet. What meds did they prescribe your dog? Was it Phenobarbitol? Age Breed of dog etc? Meds like Pheno. sometimes have to be ajusted until the right dose is found, and when you say he is having seizures are they small ones lasting only a min. or so or are they the grandmal Big seizure? If money is a issue maybe try a vet at your local animal shelter. Some dogs may have 1 seizue in their life time others have them on a regular basis....sometimes stress is a cause that makes them worse. Has something in his home life changed or his routine? This can cause him to seizure more.

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