
What do I do??? I need help.?

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I dyed some of my hair pink.

But I also dyed it blonder..

The pink I want to fade a little or completely go away.

I heard dish soap or head and shoulder works..

but I DON"T WANT the blonde color to fade...

The blonde is a permanent

but the pink is a semi..




  1. just get some stronge hair dye

  2. Wait a little bit before you decide to dye your hair (if you choose to) because dying it more then once in the same day or week can cause it to fall out.

    I think your just gunna have to keep washing it constantly to get the dye might not even come out fully.

    Good Luck.

    Hope I helped.



  3. ummm go to a salon?

    idk thats what i would do.

    they can think of something.

  4. because the blonde hair dye is permanent i don't think you'll have a problem with it fading because when you dye your hair blonde you super damage the hair and have to pump a lot of chemicals into it versus dying your hair darker where even though its permanent it will still fade if you don't use color protecting shampoo

    basically because the pink is only semi permanent the only think i can think of would be to wash your hair like twice a day with regular shampoo and that should strip the colour a bit but you should also put mayonnaise in your hair like at least once a week for about a month (and then once a month or so) to make sure you hair stays soft and moist or else your hair will look like sh*t

  5. I dont recommend using dish soap because it might turn the pink reddish orange (kinda like when some people use peroxide to make their hair blonde and it goes wrong) and will be harder to get out. The alcohol in the soap will cause it to turn the brassy color. I've never heard of certain brands of shampoo getting hair dye out, but you could always get a hair color stripper and just strip the pink and dye the blonde over it. either way, make sure you get a really good conditioner.  

  6. So you want your pink to completely go away? your best bet is to bleach over it. I have pink hair as well, if you want to go from pink to blonde the only way is to bleach it. Otherwise dish soap or any other shampoo will just fade the pink to an ugly pinkish orange color.

  7. Keep washing it constantly to get rid of the color

  8. Try OOPS extra strength hair color remover it can be purchases at Walgreens.  

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